MKI_BLOCK_BINARY (Data Block Classes)

C++ Syntax





  BYTE m_pData[];



This structure describes a data block storing BINARY data (binary information).


Element Description


[MKI_BLOCK_HEADER] This structure contains general information about the data block. The ElemType element is to be set to MKI_DB_TYPE_BINARY (9).


[BYTE[]] List of data elements stored in the data block.


MKD Syntax

This data block is used to store one value of type BINARY.




Element Description


[__int16] This value is a unique identification of the creator of the plug-in that created the data block. The value MKI_DB_OWNER_MK is reserved for use by Malz++Kassner, especially for objects and data blocks that are created and handled directly by the application. Valid range: 0 <= Value < 10000.

Third-party vendors that plan to implement a plug-in should contact Malz++Kassner to receive their unique identification (see Getting Your Private Owner ID).


[__int16] This value is an internal identification of the data block. This value is used by the plug-in that created this object. For information about this value see the documentation of the plug-in which should include a description of all extended objects used.

Data blocks created by third-party vendors should use values between 1000 and 29999 (inclusive), the other values are reserved for direct use by Malz++Kassner.


[__int16] Maximum length of the binary data in this data block. The number of bytes given by ElemCount will be allocated statically in memory, allowing a direct modification of the binary data. The absolute value must be between 1 and MKI_LENGTH_TEXT_SHORT (inclusive).


[BINARY] Hexadecimal character string. The length of the string may be less or equal to 4/3×ElemCount (since three bytes are always represented by four characters), including 0. The number of characters in the hexadecimal string must be dividable by four!


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