MKI_COLORDEF (Entity Data Classes) Changed in Version 2019.1

C++ Syntax





  MKI_COLORNAME m_szColorName;

  MKI_COLORVALUE m_cColorValue;

  MKI_COLORMODEL m_cColorMode;

  __int32 m_nColorIndex,




  Init( void );



This structure contains a custom color definition.


Element Description

m_szColorName Changed in Version 2019.1

[MKI_COLORNAME] Name of the custom color, up to 31 characters.

m_cColorValue Changed in Version 6.60

[MKI_COLORVALUE] Final value of the color in the notation defined by m_cColorMode.

m_bColorMode New in Version 6.60

[MKI_COLORMODEL] The value m_cColorMode determines how the content of m_cColorValue is to be interpreted (see MKI_COLORMODE_*).

m_nColorIndex New in Version 6.60

[__int32] Zero-based index of another color onto which this color is based. If negative or invalid, this color is an original color.

m_nColorFade New in Version 6.60

[__int32] Relative brightness of this color relative to its base color in percent. Allowed values are -100 to 100. Negative values make the color darker, positive values make the color lighter.


MKD Syntax

The section =COLOR= contains up to MKI_CUSTOMCOLOR_MAX custom color definitions. Custom colors will be displayed in most color selection dialog windows.


Head of Section




Entry for each Color Definition



Entry for each Color Harmony Entry New in Version 2014.0



Entry for each Color Mixer Entry New in Version 2014.0



End of Section



If the section =COLOR= does not exist, assume no custom color and no color harmony to be defined (m_nTotalNum = 0, m_nColorHarmonyCount = 0, m_nColorHarmonyIndex = 0, m_nColorMixerCount = 0).


Element Description


[__int32] Number of color definitions to follow. Valid range is 0 to MKI_CUSTOMCOLOR_MAX inclusive.

m_nColorHarmonyCount New in Version 2014.0

[__int32] Number of color harmony entries. Valid range is 0 to MKI_HARMONY_COLORS inclusive. The first entry is always the base color, the other entries are calculated based on that entry.

m_nColorHarmonyIndex New in Version 2014.0

[__int32] Index of the currently chosen color harmony. Possible values are:


 Undefined or unknown harmony (usually set if ColorHarmonyCount is 0). In this case, the defined harmony colors will still be used.


 2-color harmony with opposite colors on the Liedl color wheel.


 3-color harmony with equidistant colors on the Liedl color wheel.


 4-color harmony with closer opposite colors on the Liedl color wheel.


 4-color harmony with equidistant colors on the Liedl color wheel.


 4-color harmony with closer opposite colors on the Liedl color wheel.


 4-color harmony with very close opposite colors on the Liedl color wheel.


 5-color harmony with equidistant colors on the Liedl color wheel.


 5-color harmony with closer opposite colors on the Liedl color wheel.


 6-color harmony with equidistant colors on the Liedl color wheel.


 6-color harmony with closer opposite colors on the Liedl color wheel.


 7-color analogous color row.


 A set of 3 shaded colors and 3 monochromatic derivates.

This index is only used to initialize the list from which the user chooses. It is not used to actively recalculate the color harmonies upon opening the drawing or changing the base color.

m_nColorMixerCount New in Version 2014.0

[__int32] Number of color mixer entries. Valid range is 0 to MKI_MIXER_COLORS inclusive.


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