MKI_DATABASE_DATA (Basic Classes) Changed in Version 2019.1

C++ Syntax





  MKI_FILENAMEW m_szFileName;

  MKI_DATABASENAME m_szDatabaseName;


  __int32 m_nColumnCount,








  Init( void );



This structure contains data for a loaded database.


Element Description

FileName Changed in Version 2019.1

[MKI_FILENAMEW] Original filename of the database. If FileName is set to MKI_CHAR_SYSTEM and the database is an internal database, then the name of the current drawing is used (with the extension being set to either "csv" or "dbf" depending on FileType).

DatabaseName Changed in Version 2019.1

[MKI_DATABASENAME] Name of the database which is used to reference this database. The name of a drawing's default database is empty. This name must not begin with MKI_CHAR_SYSTEM!


[MKI_DATABASE_COLUMN[]] Information on the columns of the database.


[__int32] Number of columns actually used. Valid range: 0 <= Value < MKI_DATABASE_COLUMN_MAX.


[__int32] File format to be used (see MKI_DATABASETYPE_*).


[__int32] Determines how text fields are delimited (see MKI_DELIMITER_*).


[__int32] Determines how records (lines) of the database are separated (see MKI_SEPARATOR_*).


[__int32] Determines how fields (columns) of the database are separated (see MKI_SEPARATOR_*).

Options Changed in Version 2019.1

[__int32] Database handling options (see MKI_DATABASEOPTION_*).


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