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MKI_DB_ATTRIB_* (Data Block Attribute Type) Changed in Version 2021.0 |
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The following attribute types for data blocks are available:
Global attributesGlobal attributes are only available within blocks (and within embedded instances). Their value is valid for the block itself and all of its instances. It can be logically overwritten in any instance by a local attribute of the same name.
MKI_DB_ATTRIB_GLOBAL_TEXT (300) May contain any type of textual data.
MKI_DB_ATTRIB_GLOBAL_NUM (301) May contain only texts that represent a valid floating point number.
MKI_DB_ATTRIB_GLOBAL_URL (302) May contain a valid URL, either to a file or an internet address.
Local attributesLocal attributes are available to all kinds of entities. Their value is valid for the entity itself and any outlines and points therein. In instances, they also serve as a templates for any instance to be created of that block. In case of an instance, a local attribute will logically overwrite a possible referenced block's global attribute of the same name. In case of an object such as a curve or surface, it can be logically overwritten by an outline or point attribute of the same name.
MKI_DB_ATTRIB_LOCAL_TEXT (400) May contain any type of textual data.
MKI_DB_ATTRIB_LOCAL_NUM (401) May contain only texts that represent a valid floating point number.
MKI_DB_ATTRIB_LOCAL_URL (402) May contain a valid URL, either to a file or an internet address.
Outline attributes New in Version 2021.0An outline attribute is locally connected to an individual outline inside an object such as a curve or surface. It must be located behind the starting point's datablock of the respective outline and before the next outline's starting point (or end of object). Its value is valid for that outline and all of that outline's points. For each of the outline's points, it can be logically overwritten by a point attribute of the same name.
MKI_DB_ATTRIB_OUTLINE_TEXT (500) May contain any type of textual data.
MKI_DB_ATTRIB_OUTLINE_NUM (501) May contain only texts that represent a valid floating point number.
MKI_DB_ATTRIB_OUTLINE_URL (502) May contain a valid URL, either to a file or an internet address.
Point attributes New in Version 2021.0A point attribute is locally connected to an individual point inside an object such as a curve or surface. It must be located immediately behind the respective point's datablock. Its value is only valid for that point.
MKI_DB_ATTRIB_POINT_TEXT (600) May contain any type of textual data.
MKI_DB_ATTRIB_POINT_NUM (601) May contain only texts that represent a valid floating point number.
MKI_DB_ATTRIB_POINT_URL (602) May contain a valid URL, either to a file or an internet address.
Since any one object may contain multiple outline and point attributes of the same name, those types of attributes cannot be identified by textual means like variables (enclosed in ~ characters) or by means of object attribute requests.
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