DrawPixelEndless (class MKI_DISPLAYDATA) New in Version 2023.0


C++ Syntax



 double f_dX1,

 double f_dY1,

 double f_dX2,

 double f_dY2,

 const D2D1_COLOR_F& f_rColor );


Draws an endless line using the engine defined in the display data.


This procedure is usually used in reaction to a call of the MKI_PlugInNotify procedure with either MKI_NOTIFY_DISPLAY_CALLBACK or MKI_NOTIFY_DISPLAY_TEMP.



X1, Y1,
X2, Y2,

[double] Two points on the endless line to be drawn in screen pixels.

Color Changed in Version 2023.0

[D2D1_COLOR_F&] Direct2D color in RGB notation with transparency (alpha) information to be used for drawing the endless line.


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