MKI_ENTITY_GROUP (Entity Classes) Changed in Version 2024.0

C++ Syntax





  MKI_COMMENTLONG m_szComment;


  char m_pData[];



  ISPosNo( void );



  GetPosNo( __int32 f_nRange );



This structure describes an entity of type MKI_ENTITYTYPE_GROUP, i.e. a group of objects. Header.EntityType must be MKI_ENTITYTYPE_GROUP (7).


Element Description

Comment Changed in Version 2019.1

[MKI_COMMENTLONG] Arbitrary comment text for this group.


[char[]] This data section contains a list of data blocks (see Data Blocks). The data section of a group only contains local attributes (see MKI_BLOCK_ATTRIBUTE), followed by an end-of-list data block (MKI_DB_END).


Attributes New in Version 2021.0

A group may contain attribute data blocks (see MKI_BLOCK_ATTRIBUTE) only of type "local". Attributes of types "global", "outline", and "point" must not exist. The total number of attributes per group is limited to MKI_ATTRIBS_PER_OBJECT.


MKD Syntax

This entity represents a group. It is used to entitye several entities. An entity of type "Group" has the following structure:



-Data Block List-


-Entity Link List-



Element Description


[__int16] This value is a unique identification of the plug-in that created the entity. The value MKI_DB_OWNER_MK is reserved for use by Malz++Kassner, especially for objects and data blocks that are created and handled directly by the application. Valid range: 0 <= Value < 10000.

Third-party vendors that plan to implement a plug-in should contact Malz++Kassner to receive their unique identification (see Getting Your Private Owner ID).

-Data Block List-

The data block list contains a list of data blocks (see Data Blocks). Currently, groups only contain local attributes. This may change in further releases, so be prepared to find global attributes and other data blocks in this section.

-Entity Link List-

The entity link list contains the extended object's sub-entity link-list ("link data") as defined by Header.LinkFirst and Header.LinkLast. Currently, this list is usually empty (except for maybe entities of extended object's link lists).










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