MKI_ExtAddText (Entity Creation) New in Version 2019.1

C++ Syntax



 __int32 f_nType,

 const LPCWSTR f_pszText,

 const size_t f_nSize,

 bool f_fStaticLength );


Adds a text data block (to a previously opened temporary extended object (see MKI_ExtOpen).




[__int32] Data block type. Type may have any value between 1000 and 29999 inclusive. Such a data block will not be modified by the serving application in any case and can be used to store plug-in-specific data.


[const LPCWSTR] Text to be stored in the text data block. The maximum length of Text is Size.


[const size_t] Maximum length of text in characters the text shall be able to hold. The maximum allowed value is MKI_LENGTH_TEXT_LONG.


[bool] Indicates whether the text data block should have static length or not. If StaticLength is true, the application will allocate memory for Size characters, regardless of the length of Text. This allows direct manipulation of that data block without the need to reorganize the object. If StaticLength is false, the application will allocate only as much memory as required to store Text.


Return Value

Returns true if the data block was added successfully. If false is returned, this indicates that the object would be too large after adding this data block.


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