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MKI_GEO_OBJECT (Basic Classes) Changed in Version 2023.0 |
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C++ Syntaxclass MKI_GEO_OBJECT { public:
MKI_ENTITY_PTR m_pEntity; LPWSTR m_pszDescription; MKI_RECT m_cRect; MKI_POINT m_cPoint1, m_cPoint2, m_cPoint3, m_cPoint4, m_cPoint5; __int32 m_nHandle1, m_nHandle2, m_nHandle3, m_nHandle4, m_nHandle5, m_nObjType, m_nPen, m_nLayer, m_nFlag, m_nVisible, m_nOutlineOld, m_nOutlineNew; double m_dLen, m_dStart, m_dArc; bool m_fOrient, m_fValid;
void Init( void );
bool CopyObj( MKI_CONST_ENTITY_OBJECT_PTR f_pObj ); };
This structure contains the description of a basic geometric object.
Element Descriptionm_pEntity New in Version 2021.0 [MKI_ENTITY_PTR] Address of the entity from which this basic geometric object is derived, if any, or nullptr. Do not modify! m_pszDescription New in Version 2023.0 [LPWSTR] Description of the entity from which this data is derived. Maximum length is 255 characters. May be nullptr. m_cRect [MKI_RECT] Used for internal purposes. Do not modify! m_cPoint1 m_cPoint2 m_cPoint3 m_cPoint4 m_cPoint5 [MKI_POINT] These five points describe the object. The use of these points depends on the object's type stored in m_nType. See the Comment section below for further information. m_cHandle1 New in Version 2021.0 m_cHandle2 m_cHandle3 m_cHandle4 m_cHandle5 [__int32] Point handles for m_cPoint1 through m_cPoint5, respectively, if available. Otherwise, -1. Do not modify! m_nObjType Renamed in Version 2021.0 [__int32] Type of the object stored in this structure. Possible values are (see MKI_OBJ_*): MKI_OBJ_LINE MKI_OBJ_CIRCLE MKI_OBJ_ARC MKI_OBJ_SECTOR MKI_OBJ_SEGMENT MKI_OBJ_CURVE MKI_OBJ_ELLIPSE MKI_OBJ_EARC MKI_OBJ_ESECTOR MKI_OBJ_ESEGMENT MKI_OBJ_MARK MKI_OBJ_GEOENDLESS MKI_OBJ_GEOBEAM New in Version 2019.1 MKI_OBJ_GEOLINE MKI_OBJ_GEOCIRCLE MKI_OBJ_GEOARC MKI_OBJ_GEOSECTOR MKI_OBJ_GEOSEGMENT MKI_OBJ_GEOELLIPSE MKI_OBJ_GEOEARC MKI_OBJ_GEOESECTOR MKI_OBJ_GEOESEGMENT MKI_OBJ_GEOCURVE m_nPen [__int32] Zero-based pen index of the object. Do not modify! m_nLayer [__int32] Zero-based layer index of the object. Do not modify! m_nFlag [__int32] Used for internal purposes. Do not modify! m_nVisible New in Version 2021.0 [__int32] Used for internal purposes. Do not modify! m_nOutlineOld New in Version 2021.0 m_nOutlineNew [__int32] Outline index for the contained element before and after modification. Do not modify! m_dLen [double] Used for internal purposes. Do not modify! m_dStart [double] Start-angle of an elliptical arc (not set for circular arcs!). m_dArc [double] Arc-angle of an circular or elliptical arc (signed, i.e. positive for counter-clockwise arc direction, negative for clockwise arc direction). m_fOrient [bool] Orientation of an arc. true for positive arc angle (i.e. counter-clockwise), false for negative arc angle (i.e. clockwise). m_fValid [bool] Used for internal purposes. Do not modify!
CommentThe meaning of the five points depends on the object's types:
MKI_OBJ_MARK m_cPoint1 Point
MKI_OBJ_LINE MKI_OBJ_GEOLINE MKI_OBJ_GEOENDLESS MKI_OBJ_GEOBEAM New in Version 2019.1 m_cPoint1 Start-point m_cPoint2 End-point
MKI_OBJ_CIRCLE MKI_OBJ_GEOCIRCLE m_cPoint1 Center-point m_cPoint2 Radius definition point
MKI_OBJ_ARC MKI_OBJ_SECTOR MKI_OBJ_SEGMENT MKI_OBJ_GEOARC MKI_OBJ_GEOSECTOR MKI_OBJ_GEOSEGMENT m_cPoint1 Center-point m_cPoint2 Radius definition point m_cPoint4 Start-angle definition point m_cPoint5 End-angle definition point
MKI_OBJ_CURVE MKI_OBJ_GEOCURVE m_cPoint1 Start-point m_cPoint2 End-point m_cPoint4 First pivot point m_cPoint5 Second pivot point
MKI_OBJ_ELLIPSE MKI_OBJ_GEOELLIPSE m_cPoint1 Center-point m_cPoint2 First vector definition point m_cPoint3 Second vector definition point
MKI_OBJ_EARC MKI_OBJ_ESECTOR MKI_OBJ_ESEGMENT MKI_OBJ_GEOEARC MKI_OBJ_GEOESECTOR MKI_OBJ_GEOESEGMENT m_cPoint1 Center-point m_cPoint2 First vector definition point m_cPoint3 Second vector definition point m_cPoint4 Start-angle definition point m_cPoint5 End-angle definition point
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