Layout and Color Scheme (API)

All documentation for CAD6, especially help files, should use the following standard text layout and color scheme to provide a consistent look over all files:


Topic Titles (header)

16pt Verdana, partially bold, black, background pale blue (html color code #d7dfe2)
(e.g.: Topic Title (Additional Information) )


Main Titles inside a topic

15pt Verdana, bold, red (html color code #b61d3f), 6pt space behind the paragraph
(e.g.: Main Title )


Primary Subtitles inside a topic

13pt Verdana, bold, red (html color code #b61d3f), 6pt space behind the paragraph
(e.g.: Primary Subtitle )


Secondary Subtitles inside a topic

11pt Verdana, bold, red (html color code #b61d3f)
(e.g.: Secondary Subtitle )


Standard Text

11 pt Verdana, regular, black, indents on multiples of 0.25 inch, line distance 120%


Names of Controls (buttons radios, check boxes etc.)

11 pt Verdana, regular, black, text in double upper quotes
(e.g.: Press the button "Cancel" to exit the dialog without saving the changes.)


Single Characters

11 pt Verdana, regular, character in single upper quotes
(e.g.: The text will be broken after the characters ' ' and '-'.)


User Input, Texts in Edit Controls or List Boxes

11 pt Courier New, bold, black on mud (html color code #ebebe1), including the preceding and trailing space!
(e.g.: Enter 1/100 to set the scale to 1:100.)


File Names

11 pt Courier New, bold, black on mud (html color code #ebebe1), upper case, including the preceding and trailing space!
(e.g.: The command will create a file titled MKCAD6.MKD in the application's directory.)


Strengthening of Single Words or Phrases

11 pt Verdana, italic, black
(e.g.: This parameter must not be nullptr!)


Variable Names

11 pt Verdana, italic, dark magenta (html color code #990066)
(e.g.: The variable LineOrientation determines the orientation of the dimension line.)


Data Type Names

11 pt Verdana, italic, dark red (html color code #cc0000)
(e.g.: This macro converts a double value into a rounded __int32 value.)


Constant Names

11 pt Verdana, regular, orange (html color code #ff9900)
(e.g.: Returns MKI_INPUT_CANCEL if the input was cancelled by the user.)


C Source Code

11 pt Lucida concole, regular, black on mud (html color code #ebebe1)
(e.g.: bool MKI_PlugInExit( void ); )
Comments should be displayed in light gray (html color code #999999) on mud
(e.g.: // My comment )


General Notes

11 pt Verdana, regular, black, red frame (html color code #808080), light red background (html color code #f2f2f2), 8pt padding

(e.g.: This has changed with Release 2019.0.)


Important Notes

11 pt Verdana, regular, black, blue frame (html color code #008ac4), light blue background (html color code #eaf9ff), 8pt padding

(e.g.: This has the same effect as using XXX and YYY after another.)


Extremely Important Notes

11 pt Verdana, regular, black, red frame (html color code #ff0000), light red background (html color code #fff0f0), 8pt padding

(e.g.: Never use this function before previously calling function XYZ!)


Tips & Tricks

11 pt Verdana, regular, black, orange frame (html color code #fbbb00), light orange background (html color code #fffaea), 8pt padding

(e.g.: This can also be used to make sure a block is loaded to memory.)


If you include graphics into your help files, please to use anti-aliased PNG files instead of plain bitmaps wherever possible. A good font to use inside graphics is Verdana Regular 9 pt. This font is small, but good to read.


All help files supplied by Malz++Kassner will use the standard "index + main window" layout.


CAD6interface 2024.2 - Copyright 2024 Malz++Kassner® GmbH