Object 36 "Frame Text" (Entities) Changed in Version 2021.0


Data Block Sequence

Data Block 000( x1, y1 )

- Corner-point

Data Block 000( x2, y2 )

- First edge's end-point

Data Block 000( x3, y3 )

- Second edge's end-point

Data Block 110( Text )

- Text (ElemCount = MKI_LENGTH_TEXT_LONG)

Data Block 236( ... )

- Frame text parameters


The three points define a parallelogram ("frame") that surrounds the frame text. The point (x1,y1) is the starting corner of the text, the point (x2,y2) in relation to the first point defines the direction and length of each text line, and the point (x3,y3) in relation to the first point defines the process direction, i.e. the direction into which the base line is moved after each line.


The value Text contains the text to be displayed. Its length may be up to MKI_LENGTH_TEXT_LONG characters including the terminating zero character (0x00).


In order to achieve a tabulator, use the character ¬ (Unicode 172). For a line feed, use the character ¶ (Unicode 182). All other characters will be displayed using the given font. Characters below Unicode 32 will be ignored.


Long lines will be broken either at the characters Unicode 32, - (Unicode 45) or ¬ (Unicode 172). The characters Unicode 160 and - (Unicode 173) will not be used as word-breaks. A single word will newer be broken, even if it might be larger than the text frame!


Attributes New in Version 2021.0

A frame text may contain attribute data blocks (see MKI_BLOCK_ATTRIBUTE) only of type "local". They must be placed behind all other datablocks. Attributes of types "outline" and "point" must not exist. The total number of attributes per local object is limited to MKI_ATTRIBS_PER_OBJECT.


Interface Command Sequence


MKI_ObjectAddPoint, Type = MKI_DB_POINT_ANY

MKI_ObjectAddPoint, Type = MKI_DB_POINT_ANY

MKI_ObjectAddPoint, Type = MKI_DB_POINT_ANY

MKI_ObjectAddTextLong, StaticLength = false




Use the MKI_PARSE_OBJ_TEXTFRAME class to parse the data blocks of such an object in memory.


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