Object 43 "Bitmap Reference" (Entities) Changed in Version 2021.0


Data Block Sequence

Data Block 243( ... )

- Bitmap information


A bitmap reference is a reference to a bitmap file featuring a bitmap's file name and a display matrix. The display matrix determines the location, size and orientation of the bitmap display.


If the bitmap referenced by this object is a monochrome bitmap, the line color and fill color of this objects are used as the foreground and background color of the bitmap. If the bitmap if a non-monochrome bitmap, the object's properties have no direct influence in the bitmap's display. Anyway, the layer information is checked, i.e. bitmap references in invisible layers will not be visible and so on.


Attributes New in Version 2021.0

A bitmap reference may contain attribute data blocks (see MKI_BLOCK_ATTRIBUTE) only of type "local". They must be placed behind all other datablocks. Attributes of types "outline" and "point" must not exist. The total number of local attributes per object is limited to MKI_ATTRIBS_PER_OBJECT.


Interface Command Sequence





Use the MKI_PARSE_OBJ_BITMAPREF class to parse the data blocks of such an object in memory.


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