MKI_PARSE_OBJ_ARC (Object Parser Classes) Changed in Version 2021.0

C++ Syntax









  __int32 m_nHandleCenter,





  MKI_BLOCK_T001_PTR m_pTemp;





  PointCenter( void );



  PointRadius( void );



  PointAngle1( void );



  PointAngle2( void );



  Orient( void );



  IsOrientPositive( void ); New in Version 2021.0



  IsOrientNegative( void ); New in Version 2021.0



  ArcAngle( void );



This class is used to parse an object of type MKI_OBJ_ARC, MKI_OBJ_SECTOR, or MKI_OBJ_SEGMENT. For information about the internal data block structure of these object types, see Object 6 "Circular Arc", Object 7 "Circular Sector", or Object 8 "Circular Segment".


This parser only works if the object is complete, i.e. already contains all necessary data blocks with correct size information! For performance reasons, there is no internal testing whatsoever. All point and outline attributes in between are skipped.


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