MKI_PlugInImport (Callback) Renamed in Version 2015.0

C++ Syntax



 const LPCWSTR f_pszFileName

 __int32 f_nFilterMode,

 void* f_pData );


typedef __int32


 const LPCWSTR f_pszFileName,

 __int32 f_nFilterMode,

 void* f_pData );


This procedure is called each time the serving application wants to load a non-MKD drawing. The plug-in should then determine whether it can handle this file and load it if possible.




[const LPCWSTR] Name of the file that contains the unknown drawing.


[__int32] A bit-wise OR combination of special filter modes. It can be any combination of the following values:



No special mode.



The drawing shall be added to the current drawing data. This is the same behavior as when importing on explicit user command. The plug-in should create its own undo level using MKI_UndoInitProcess, MKI_UndoCancelProcess and MKI_UndoFinishProcess.
If this value is not set, the drawing shall replace the current drawing data. The plug-in should call MKI_DrawingNewFile before importing the data.



The import filter shall not display any messages in case of errors. This mode is used when an unknown type of file shall be checked by the plug-in. If successful (return value MKI_IMPORT_OK), the imported data will be used. In case of error (return value MKI_IMPORT_UNKNOWN or MKI_IMPORT_ERROR), the imported data will be discarded and the next import filter will be called.


MKI_FILTER_MODE_AUTOCONV New in Version 2010.2

The import filter is called by the auto-converter in batch operation, i.e. it does not have to display anything on the screen after successful import. This can significantly speed up the conversion of many files at once.

f_pData New in Version 2013.0

[void*] Pointer to a set of plug-in-specific import options. Please refer to the plug-in's documentation for details (both data structure and interpretation). May be nullptr to indicate "use default options".


Return Value

Should return one of the following values:



The plug-in knows this type of file and was able to load the file successfully.



The plug-in does not know this type of file. The serving application will ask all other filters whether they know this type of file.



The plug-in knows this type of file, but an error occurred during the attempt to load it.



The name of the procedure has to be exactly MKI_PlugInImport.


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