MKI_STRxxxA (API Types) Changed in Version 2019.1

C++ Syntax



             MKI_STR8A    [8],

             MKI_STR16A   [16],

             MKI_STR32A   [32],

             MKI_STR64A   [64],

             MKI_STR128A  [128],

             MKI_STR256A  [256],

             MKI_STR512A  [512],

             MKI_STR1024A [1024],

             MKI_STR2048A [2048],

             MKI_STR4096A [4096],

             MKI_STR8192A [8192],




Element Description

For a description, see your C++ or Win32/x64 documentation.


MKD Syntax

The data type MKI_STRxxxA is used to store Ansi texts of variable length. Inside this documentation, a numeric value will usually be appended to the data types' name, indicating the maximum length allowed, e.g. MKI_STR64A for a text that may be up to 64 characters long including the terminating null character (0x00). Typical lengths are 32, 64, and 256 characters. The maximum length of a text is MKI_LENGTH_TEXT_LONG characters.


Since MKD files always use the 8-bit UTF-8 characters set (since Version 2019.1) or the 8-bit Ansi character set (until Version 2019.0), texts in those files are represented as an 8-bit character string delimited by the character " (Ansi 34). To be able to use the character '"' inside of texts, the standard C++ text encoding is used: The character " is to be replaced by \" (Ansi 92 34), a single \ (Ansi 92) by \\ (Ansi 92 92). This has to be decoded when reading texts from MKD files!


Please note that until Release 2019 SP0, the CAD6interface only supported the 8-bit Ansi character set, no Unicode (except for the element CharPtr in ENUMDEF_DATA)! Starting with Release 2019 SP1, the CAD6interface was converted to 16-bit UTF-16 Unicode characters set.


CAD6interface 2024.2 - Copyright 2024 Malz++Kassner® GmbH