AddPropertySheetControls (class MKI_SUBCLASS_LIST) New in Version 2024.0 | |
C++ Syntaxvoid MKI_SUBCLASS_LIST::AddPropertySheetControls( HWND f_hPropSheet );
Sub-classes all relevant controls in a property sheet window that have not yet been sub-classed individually to allow the serving application to apply the current skin to those controls.
This function may only be applied to the property sheet's main dialog window, not to any normal dialog windows!
Parametersf_hPropSheet [HWND] Handle of the property sheet window whose controls are to be sub-classed.
CommentThis procedure should be called in the WM_INITDIALOG case of all dialog window handling procedures of property pages after all controls of the property pages have been sub-classed, i.e. after AddDialogControls() was called.
INT_PTR CALLBACK DialogProc( HWND f_hDlg, UINT f_unMessage, WPARAM f_wParam, LPARAM f_lParam ) { static SUBCLASS_LIST s_cSubclassList;
switch( f_unMessage ) { case WM_INITDIALOG:
s_cSubClassList.Init(); // Subclass individual controls here, if required. s_cSubClassList.AddDialogControls( f_hDlg );
if( HWND hParentWnd = GetParent( f_hDlg ) ) { s_cSubClassList.AddPropertySheetControls( hParentWnd ); } break; } return( 0 ); }
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