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Mathematical Terms (Advanced Text Capabilities) |
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In any numerical entry field, such as the Coordinate Entry (F8) or the entry of a rotation angle, you can state a mathematical term instead of an explicit number. Terms consist of operands (numbers, Attributes, Variables, or constants), operators, parentheses, and functions. The usual mathematical notation is used. A term is evaluated from left to right (left-associativity).
In addition, terms are also evaluated in texts if the corresponding Statement is used.
OperatorsThe following list shows the precedence of operators starting with the highest, operators in the same group (groups are separated by empty lines) have equal precedence:
An operand may by preceded with a single sign (unary operator): + or - Sign Examples: +8 (Result: 8), -2 (Result: -2)
This unary operator always yields 0 (operand not equal 0) or 1 (operand is 0) as result: ! Logical NOT Examples: !0 (Result: 1), !12 (Result: 0)
Operators in this group always yield a number as result: ^^ Power Examples: 2^^8 (Result: 256), 100^^0.5 (Result: 10) * Multiplication Examples: 3*4 (Result: 12), 2^^8*2 (Result: 512) / Division Examples: 8/2 (Result: 4), 8/2*4 (Result: 16) + Addition Examples: 8+2 (Result: 10), 8+2*4 (Result: 16) - Subtraction Examples: 10-2 (Result: 8), 10-2/4 (Result: 9.5)
Operators in this group always yield 1 (true) or 0 (false) as result: < Less Examples: 1<2 (Result: 1), 8<5 (Result: 0) <= Less or equal Examples: 2<=2 (Result: 1), 8<=5 (Result: 0) > Greater Examples: 1>0 (Result: 1), 5>8 (Result: 0) >= Greater or equal Examples: 1>=1 (Result: 1), 5>=8 (Result: 0) == Equal Examples: 1==1 (Result: 1), 5==8 (Result: 0) != Unequal Examples: 1!=0 (Result: 1), 5!=5 (Result: 0) & Bitwise AND Example: 24&15 (Result: 8) | Bitwise OR Example: 16|8 (Result: 24) ^ Bitwise XOR Example: 24^31 (Result: 7)
Operators in this group always yield 1 (true) or 0 (false) as result, any operand not equal 0 is interpreted as true, 0 means false: && Logical AND Examples: 1&&!0 (Result: 1), 0&&1 (Result: 0) || Logical OR Examples: 5||0 (Result: 1), 0||0 (Result: 0)
By using parentheses you can enforce another precedence or associativity of operators or they can be used to improve readability (it can't hurt to add a pair of parentheses): () Parentheses Examples: (8+2)*4 (Result: 40), 8/(2*4) (Result: 1), 2^^(8*2) (Result: 65536), (0!=1)||(8<5) (Result: 1)
FunctionsArguments of functions must be always enclosed in parentheses. If a function requires two arguments then these arguments have to be separated by a semicolon. The following functions are available: sqr Square Example: sqr(4) (Result: 16) sqrt Square root Example: sqrt(256) (Result: 16) ln Logarithm with base e (natural logarithm) Example: e^^(2*ln(10)) (Result: 100) sin Sinus Example: sin(90) (Result: 1) cos Cosinus Example: cos(0) (Result: 1) tan Tangens Example: tan(45) (Result: 1) arcsin Arcussinus Example: arcsin(1) (Result: 90) arccos Arcuscosinus Example: arccos(1) (Result: 0) arctan Arcustangens Example: arctan(1) (Result: 45) ceil Smallest whole number larger than or equal to the argument. Examples: ceil(1.1) (Result: 2), ceil(2.4-0.5) (Result: 2) floor Largest whole number smaller than or equal to the argument. Examples: floor(1.9) (Result: 1), floor(1.6+0.5) (Result: 2) round Nearest whole number equal to the argument. Examples: round(1.1) (Result: 1), round(2.4-0.5) (Result: 2) abs Absolute value Examples: abs(-1.1) (Result: 1.1), abs(-2) (Result: 2) min Minimum Examples: min(-1;2) (Result: -1), min(1.6;2.4) (Result: 1.6) max Maximum Examples: max(-1;2) (Result: 2), max(1.6;2.4) (Result: 2.4) rand Generates a pseudo-random number in the range 0 to argument. Examples: rand(1) (Result: 0.6586), rand(100) (Result: 17.3681)
Attributes and VariablesIn case you have defined Attributes or Variables within the active drawing, you can use those as operands as well. For that you have to enclose the attribute or variable name in ~ characters.
Example: (~var1~+~var2~)/2
Result: Mean value of var1 and var2.
ConstantsAccording to the type of input being carried out, certain constants are available which can be used in the terms. They allow, for example, relative values to be entered during coordinate entry.
The following constants are available: x and y Current X- and Y-coordinates of the reference point l Current length of the reference object or previously entered line section r Current radius of the reference object a and w Current angle of the reference object or previously entered line section b Current arc length of the reference object _fl "Frame Left" _fr "Frame Right" _ft "Frame Top" _fb "Frame Bottom" Rectangular coordinates of the frame which surrounds all currently selected objects. _pl "Page Left" _pr "Page Right" _pt "Page Top" _pb "Page Bottom" Corner coordinates of the current page. e Base number for natural logarithms (2.7182...) pi pi (π) (3.1415...)
UnitsAll values entered without a specific unit relate to the current length or angle unit of the active window's coordinate system.
To specify a unit for a value, the appropriate abbreviation should be used. These are the possible units and their abbreviations. µm Micrometer = 1 / 1 000 mm mm Millimeter = 1 mm cm Centimeter = 10 mm dm Decimeter = 100 mm m Meter = 1 000 mm km Kilometer = 1 000 000 mm mil Mil = 1 / 1000 in in Inch = 1 in = 25.4 mm ft Foot = 12 in yd Yard = 3 ft ml Mile = 1 760 yd dp Decipoint = 1 / 720 in pt Point = 1 / 72 in bp Didot = 1 / 2660 m cic Cicero = 12 / 2 660 m
Possible angle units and abbreviations deg or ° Degree = 360 per rotation min or ' Minute = 1 / 60 degree min or " Second = 1 / 3600 degree gra Gon = 400 per rotation rad Radian = 2pi per rotation rel Relative = 1 per rotation
Units can be mixed within a term. These are examples using mm as the current length unit and deg as the current angle unit. 100+1in equals 100 mm + 1 in = 125.4 mm (100+1)in equals 101 in = 2 565.4 mm 2yd+1ft+9,5in equals 93.5 in = 2 374.9 mm sin(pi rad) equals sin(180°) = 0.0 45°60'3600" equals 47°
Starting with Version 2019.1, all texts, names, variables, and attributes are Unicode-enabled. In memory, they are stored in UTF-16 format, in the CAD6 file format in UTF-8 format.
CAD6interface 2024.2 - Copyright 2024 Malz++Kassner® GmbH