MKI_ZOOMDEF (Basic Classes) New in Version 2024.0

C++ Syntax





  MKI_POINT m_cPos;

  double    m_dZoom,


  __int32 m_nPage;



  Init( void );



This structure contains a set of view display data ("zoom settings").


Element Description


[MKI_POINT] Coordinates of the point that shall be displayed in the center of the drawing window. The coordinates are in internal mm relative to the internal origin. On input, you can set any coordinate to MKI_DOUBLE_NOVAL to indicate "do not change".


[double] Zoom factor to be used for display, relative to 1.0. On input, you can set this value to MKI_DOUBLE_NOVAL to indicate "do not change".


[double] Rotation angle to be used for display in [rad]. On input, you can set this value to MKI_DOUBLE_NOVAL to indicate "do not change".


[__int32] Page index. Valid range is MKI_PAGE_MODEL <= Value < MKI_PAGE_MAX. On input, you can set this value to MKI_PAGE_NOVAL to indicate "do not change".


MKD Syntax



The Page element will not be written to the file, it's only used internally.


CAD6interface 2024.2 - Copyright 2024 Malz++Kassner® GmbH