MKI_BLOCK_TEXTREFERENCE (Data Block Classes) | |
C++ Syntaxclass MKI_BLOCK_TEXTREFERENCE : public MKI_BLOCK_BASE { public:
This structure describes a data block storing MKI_TEXTREFERENCE data types.
Element DescriptionHeader [MKI_BLOCK_HEADER] This structure contains general information about the data block. The ElemType element is to be set to MKI_DB_TYPE_NATIVE (0), the BlockType element to MKI_DB_INFO_TEXTREFERENCE (237). Data [MKI_TEXTREFERENCE] Data element stored in the data block.
MKD SyntaxA data block of type 237 is used to store the additional parameters for reference texts, i.e. for texts that are used for numeration, referencing etc.
Element DescriptionBlockOwner [__int16] This value is a unique identification of the creator of the plug-in that created the data block. The value MKI_DB_OWNER_MK is reserved for use by Malz++Kassner, especially for objects and data blocks that are created and handled directly by the application. Valid range: 0 <= Value < 10000. Third-party vendors that plan to implement a plug-in should contact Malz++Kassner to receive their unique identification (see Getting Your Private Owner ID). Data [MKI_TEXTREFERENCE] Data element stored in the data block.
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