MKI_CollectionReadItemOpen (Collections) Changed in Version 2022.2 | |
C++ Syntax__int32 MKI_CollectionReadItemOpen( HWND f_hWindow, const LPCWSTR f_pszCaption, __int32 f_nOwnerID, __int32 f_nType );
MKI_CollectionReadItemOpen( const LPCWSTR f_pszCollectionName, __int32 f_nOwnerID, __int32 f_nType, const LPCWSTR f_pszItemName ); New in Version 2022.2
Display a dialog for collection item selection and opens the selected collection item for reading, if applicable, or directly opens a given collection item.
Not supported in CAD6starter!
Parametersf_hWindow [HWND] Handle of the dialog window's parent window. f_pszCaption [const LPCWSTR] Title of the dialog window to be displayed. Be careful that the given title fits into the dialog window's caption. If nullptr, the dialog's default title will be used. f_pszCollectionName New in Version 2022.2 [const LPCWSTR] Title of the collection from which the item shall be opened. If the collection name is MKI_BLOCK_ID, the drawing's internal collection will be accessed. f_nOwnerID [__int32] This value is a unique identification of the creator of the plug-in that created the data block. The value MKI_DB_OWNER_MK is reserved for use by Malz++Kassner, especially for collection items that are created and handled directly by the application. Valid range: 0 <= Value < 10000. Third-party vendors that plan to implement a plug-in should contact Malz++Kassner to receive their unique identification (see Getting Your Private Owner ID). f_nType [__int32] This value is an internal identification of the item. This value is known only the creator of that item. For information about this value see the documentation of the plug-in which should include a description of all collection items it uses. In combination with the owner's identification, this unambiguously identifies a certain type of collection item. Must not be negative. For a list of types used by Malz++Kassner, see MKI_COLLECTION_TYPE_*. f_pszItemName New in Version 2022.2 [const LPCWSTR] Name of the collection item.
Return ValueReturns the version of the selected and opened collection item (see m_nVersion in MKI_ITEM_HEADER) or a negative value if either the user canceled the selection or the selected item could not be opened for reading.
CommentOnce opened, use the standard profile reading commands to read the data, see MKI_ProfileReadString and others.
Only one item can be open for reading at a time. Before being able to open another item for reading, the plug-in has to call MKI_CollectionReadClose.
CAD6interface 2024.2 - Copyright 2024 Malz++Kassner® GmbH