MKI_ENTITY_EXT (Entity Classes) Changed in Version 2019.0

C++ Syntax





  MKI_XPROPERTY m_cXProperty;

  MKI_MATRIX m_cDisplayMatrix;

  __int32 m_nDisplayMode,





  __in64  m_nUserData1,



  char m_pData[];



This structure describes an entity of type MKI_ENTITYTYPE_EXT, i.e. an extended entity. Header.EntityType must be MKI_ENTITYTYPE_EXT (9).


Element Description


[MKI_XPROPERTY] Properties of the display data including transmission.


[MKI_MATRIX] Display matrix of the display data. All entities stored in the display data have to be multiplied with this matrix before display. It contains translation, rotation, scaling and distortion.


[__int32] Bit-wise OR combination of some flags indicating the display mode for extended objects. Possible values are (see MKI_DISPLAYMODE_*):









[__int32] Internal identification of the extended object. For detailed information about this identification, see the documentation of the application or plug-in that created this entity.

ExtFlag New in Version 6.0

[__int32] Flag indicating the basic type of the object, i.e. how it should behave in the eye of the user (see MKI_EXTFLAG_*).

Version New in Version 6.41

[__int32] Internal version of the extended entity. If Version is zero, the application assumes that no version management is used by the plug-in. If Version is non-zero, the application will display a warning when trying to save this entity in a file with a version older than 6.40 to avoid unresolved version conflicts. The version management of the entity is totally up to the plug-in!

UserData2 New in Version 2019.0

[__int64] Custom temporary data to be used by the plug-in for internal purposes. Will be maintained during application execution, but will not be stored in any file. Will always be 0 for a newly created or loaded entity.


[char[]] This data section contains a list of data blocks (see Data Blocks). As the memory-internal format of data blocks is rather complex, this section should not be modified unless the plug-in has created this object or at least knows its internal structure.


Attributes New in Version 2021.0

An extended object may contain all kinds of attribute data blocks (see MKI_BLOCK_ATTRIBUTE) as long the plug-in manages them. Only attributes of type "local" can be managed by the serving application. They will be added behind all other data blocks (including all non-local attributes added by the plug-in). The total number of attributes per extended object is limited to MKI_ATTRIBS_PER_OBJECT.


MKD Syntax

This entity represents an extended entity, i.e. an entity that was created by an plug-in. Such an entity can only be modified if an plug-in is present that knows how to handle such an entity. The display of such an entity is possible using its display list, i.e. a sequence of standard entities. An entity of type "Extended" has the following structure:





-Data Block List-


-Entity Data List-


-Entity Link List-



Element Description


[__int16] This value is a unique identification of the plug-in that created the entity. The value MKI_DB_OWNER_MK is reserved for use by Malz++Kassner, especially for objects and data blocks that are created and handled directly by the application. Valid range: 0 <= Value < 10000.

Third-party vendors that plan to implement a plug-in should contact Malz++Kassner to receive their unique identification (see Getting Your Private Owner ID).

-Data Block List-

The data block list contains a list of data blocks (see Data Blocks). Extended objects contain all kinds of data blocks.

-Entity Data List-

The entity data list contains the extended object's sub-entity data-list ("extended data") as defined by Header.DataFirst and Header.DataLast.

-Entity Link List-

The entity link list contains the extended object's sub-entity link-list ("display data") as defined by Header.LinkFirst and Header.LinkLast.


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