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MKI_PROPERTY (Entity Data Classes) Changed in Version 2016.1 |
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C++ Syntaxclass MKI_PROPERTY { public:
__int32 m_nFillMode; MKI_COLORVALUE m_cFillColor, m_cLineColor; __int32 m_nLineType; double m_dLineWidth; __int32 m_nLineMode; MKI_COLORMODEL m_cFillColorMode; MKI_ALPHAVALUE m_cFillAlpha; MKI_COLORMODEL m_cLineColorMode; MKI_ALPHAVALUE m_cLineAlpha; double m_dLineTypeScale;
void Init( void );
void const MKI_PROPERTY& f_rSource, const __int32 f_nFlag );
bool const MKI_PROPERTY& f_rData ); New in Version 2022.1
bool const MKI_PROPERTY& f_rData, New in Version 2022.1 const __int32 f_nFlag );
bool IsFilled( void ) const;
bool IsErased( void ) const;
bool IsOpaque( void ) const;
bool IsFramed( void ) const; };
This structure contains a standard property set.
Element Descriptionm_nFillMode [__int32] The value m_nFillMode determines, which parts of an object are to be drawn (see MKI_FILLMODE_*). m_cFillColor Changed in Version 6.60 [MKI_COLORVALUE] Color of the object's surface in the notation defined by m_cFillColorMode. m_cLineColor Changed in Version 6.60 [MKI_COLORVALUE] Color of the object's outline in the notation defined by m_cLineColorMode. m_nLineType Changed in Version 2014.2 [__int32] Index of the line type used to draw the outline. Valid range: 0 <= Value <= MKI_LINE_MAX. Another special allowed value is MKI_LINE_BYLAYER which is interpreted as "by layer", i.e. the line type will be defined by the corresponding layer. m_dLineWidth Changed in Version 2014.2 [double] Width of the object's outline in [mm] between 0.0 and MKI_LINEWIDTH_MAX (including). A width of 0.0 always results in a line of the minimum width possible on the respective device (one pixel). Any negative value is interpreted as "by layer", i.e. the line width will be defined by the corresponding layer (use MKI_LINEWIDTH_BYLAYER). m_nLineMode Changed in Version 2013.2 [__int32] Various line handling modes (see MKI_LINEMODE_*). m_cFillColorMode Changed in Version 2014.2 [MKI_COLORMODEL] Determines how the content of m_cFillColor is to be interpreted (see MKI_COLORMODE_*). m_cFillAlpha Changed in Version 2014.2 [MKI_ALPHAVALUE] Determines the translucency of the object's surface. m_cLineColorMode Changed in Version 2014.2 [MKI_COLORMODEL] Determines how the content of m_cLineColor is to be interpreted (see MKI_COLORMODE_*). m_cLineAlpha Changed in Version 2014.2 [MKI_ALPHAVALUE] Determines the translucency of the object's outline. m_dLineTypeScale New in Version 2012.1 [double] Scaling factor for line type display. The lengths of all partial lines and gaps will be multiplied by this factor. Valid range: 1e-10 <= Value <= 1e10.
MKD SyntaxThe data type MKI_PROPERTY is used to store the properties of an object. These properties consist of some non-geometrical information that is needed to draw objects. They determine the line width, line color, line type etc.
FillMode,FillColor,LineColor,LineWidth,LineType,LineMode, FillAlpha,LineAlpha,LineTypeScale
If, e.g., a circle is drawn with these properties, it will result in a RGB red filled circle, outlined with a minimum-width solid (line type 0 is predefined by default as solid, see MKI_LINEDEF) black line. It is fully opaque.
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