Polygon > Contour Tracking Surface (Draw Menu)


This command is used to draw a new surface step by step along drawing objects, Construction Aid objects, and/or temporary objects.


For basic information on this type of object, please refer to Surfaces and Curves (Introduction).


This command is especially useful if a complex surface consisting of several elements is to be drawn on existing objects. The existing objects are not consumed for this, but remain unchanged.


If, on the other hand, you would like to combine several existing, adjacent elements into a surface semi-automatically, use Trimming > Surface / Curve > Assemble Surface instead.


1.Enter reference point

Each surface part is selected by clicking near the respective object. The parts must be consecutive. Each click selects the smallest possible part of the object up to the nearest intersections with other selected objects or its own end points.


Use the buttons in the Parameter Window to select for each individual reference point which types of intersection shall be recognized:


Intersections with Construction Aid objects will be recognized.


Intersections with Temporary Objects will be recognized.


Intersections with normal drawing objects will be recognized.


If you need to temporarily close gaps or add outline elements for executing this command, please use Temporary Objects.


Once all desired parts have be selected (at least one), press the right mouse button to finish the command. If the Workflow Manager is active and appears, choose Finish Command in it.


In this command's parameters, you can choose whether the result shall be automatically simplified, and set the corresponding tolerances (see "Simplify Curve / Surface" dialog).



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