MKI_PAGEDEF (Entity Data Classes) Changed in Version 2024.2

C++ Syntax





  MKI_PAGENAME m_szPageComment;

  __int32 m_nPageType,



  MKI_POINT m_cPagePos;

  MKI_VECTOR m_cPageSize;

  double m_dPageRotate,


  __int32 m_nPageMode,



  MKI_WINDOWZOOM m_cRecentView; New in Version 2024.2

  MKI_WINDOWSYSTEM m_cRecentSystem; New in Version 2024.2


  MKI_HIDELAYERS m_afHideLayers;


  __int32 m_nGuideMode,


  MKI_RECT m_cMargin;

  double m_dColumnSpace,


  MKI_COLORVALUE m_cGuideColor,




  Init( void );



This structure contains a page definition.


Element Description

m_szPageComment Changed in Version 2019.1

[MKI_PAGENAME] Comment for the page definition, up to 63 characters. This comment will be displayed to the user for page selection. It does not have to be unique.


[__int32] This value determines the page's size (see MKI_PAGETYPE_*).


[__int32] This value determines the page's orientation (see MKI_PAGEORIENT_*).


[__int32] This value determines which point's coordinates are stored in m_cPagePos (see MKI_ORIGIN_*).

m_cPagePos Changed in Version 6.60

[MKI_POINT] These values state the x- and y-coordinate of the page's position in the workspace. The interpretation of this value depends on m_nPageOrigin.

m_cPageSize Changed in Version 6.60

[MKI_VECTOR] These values state the page's horizontal and vertical size in [mm]. They must be valid even if m_nPageType states an explicit page format. The valid range is 1.0e-10 to 25000.0 inclusive.

m_dPageRotate New in Version 6.0

[double] This value states the page's content’s rotation in [rad], i.e. the page appears rotated by the negative of the value stated. If m_nPageSystem is non-negative, the rotation angle of the page will be synchronized to (i.e. overwritten with) the one of the linked coordinate system.

m_dPageScale New in Version 6.0

[double] This value states the page's content’s scaling, i.e. the page appears scaled by the inverse of the value stated. The valid range is 1e-6 to 1e6 inclusive.

m_nPageMode Changed in Version 6.51

[__int32] This value contains miscellaneous page modes (see MKI_PAGEMODE_*).

m_nPageSystem Changed in Version 2013.2

[__int32] This value contains a non-negative coordinate system number if the page shall be logically linked to a coordinate system. If not, it is negative. If m_nPageSystem is non-negative, the linked coordinate system will be activated once the page is displayed by means of an appropriate zoom function.

m_cRecentView New in Version 2024.2

[MKI_WINDOWZOOM] Contains the zoom that was last active when leaving this page. When switching (back) to this page, it shall be restored.

m_cRecentSystem New in Version 2024.2

[MKI_WINDOWSYSTEM] Contains the coordinate system data that was last active when leaving this page. When switching (back) to this page, it shall be restored.

m_afHideLayers Renamed in Version 2024.0

[MKI_HIDELAYERS] This array contains one bit for each layer indicating if the layer shall be output or not.

m_nGuideMode New in Version 2015.0

[__int32] This value determines which page grid lines shall be displayed (see MKI_PAGEGUIDE_*).

m_nGuideColumns New in Version 2015.0

[__int32] Number of columns to be displayed.

m_cMargin Changed in Version 2016.1

[MKI_RECT] Page margins in [mm] (x1 = left, y1 = top, x2 = right, y2 = bottom).

m_dColumnSpace Renamed in Version 2016.1

[double] Space between adjacent columns in [mm].

m_dLineDistance New in Version 2015.0

[double] Line distance in [mm].

m_cGuideColor New in Version 2015.0

[MKI_COLORVALUE] Color of the guide lines in RGB notation.

m_cTabColor New in Version 2024.0

[MKI_COLORVALUE] Optional color shown in this page's tab in RGB notation.


MKD Syntax









If m_afHideLayers is completely zero, it may be omitted.


Example of a Page Definition




This is the definition of a page based on DIN A2 (420 × 594 mm), but in landscape orientation. The resulting page size is 594 × 420 mm. It is placed centered in the middle of the workspace, neither rotated nor scaled. The page does not force printer paper size selection and is not linked to a coordinate system. The default view will display the internal origin in the window's center with a zoom factor of 1. No layers are hidden during output.


CAD6interface 2024.2 - Copyright 2024 Malz++Kassner® GmbH