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Section =PROFILE= (File Sections) Changed in Version 2023.2 |
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MKD SyntaxThe section =PROFILE= contains all user-dependent settings that were active when the drawing or library was saved.
=PROFILE=; "Entry Name", ... ; ... "Entry Name", ... ; =END=;
The section =PROFILE= contains a list of profile entries that describe single user-specified settings that where active at the time when the drawing or library was saved the last time. Some of these entries influence the appearance of the drawing or library directly (like some dimensioning parameters), some only define the application's behavior when modifying the drawing or library.
Each profile entry starts with a text that contains the entry's name, followed by a single or multiple values that define the profile entry. The entry name and the values are separated by commas, each entry is ended by a semicolon. If a profile exists, it must at least contain the entries describes below. It may, however, contain more entries.
Entries for drawingsThe following profile entries for drawings are currently defined:
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_BITMAP_COLORBITS ("BitmapColorBits") Determines the color depth of the bitmap. Value sequence: ColorBits [__int32] See ColorBits in MKI_BITMAP_EXPORT.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_BITMAP_UNIT ("BitmapUnit") Determines the unit in which the bitmap's resolution is entered. Value sequence: ResolutionMode [__int32] See ResolutionMode in MKI_BITMAP_EXPORT.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_BITMAP_MODE ("BitmapMode") Determines how to calculate the bitmap's final size. Value sequence: PixelMode [__int32] See PixelMode in MKI_BITMAP_EXPORT.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_BITMAP_QUALITY ("BitmapQuality") Determines the format and compression of the final bitmap. Value sequence: FileType [__int32] See FileType in MKI_BITMAP_EXPORT. Options New in Version 6.20 [__int32] See Options in MKI_BITMAP_EXPORT.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_BITMAP_SIZE ("BitmapSize") Determines the size of the final bitmap. Value sequence: Pixel [MKI_INTPOINT] See Pixel in MKI_BITMAP_EXPORT.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_BITMAP_RESOLUTION ("BitmapResolution") Determines the resolution of the final bitmap. Value sequence: Resolution [MKI_POINT] See Resolution in MKI_BITMAP_EXPORT.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_BITMAP_ANTIALIASE ("BitmapAntialiase") New in Version 6.40 Determines whether or not the bitmap shall be created using antialiasing. Value sequence: Antialiase [__int32] See Antialiase in MKI_BITMAP_EXPORT.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_COLOR_LAYERS ("ColorLayers") Determines the color of grayed layers. Value sequence: Layers [MKI_COLORVALUE] Standard display color without color model, used to display grayed layers.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_COLOR_GEOMETRY ("ColorGeometry") Determines the color of default Construction Aid objects. Value sequence: Geometry [MKI_COLORVALUE] Standard display color without color model, used to display default Construction Aid objects.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_COLOR_BLOCKS ("ColorBlocks") Determines the color of block reference texts. Value sequence: Symbols [MKI_COLORVALUE] Standard display color without color model, used to display block reference texts.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_COLOR_ERASERS ("ColorErasers") Determines the color of erasers. Value sequence: Erasers [MKI_COLORVALUE] Standard display color without color model, used to display erasers.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_COLOR_POINTS ("ColorPoints") Determines the color of definition point markings. Value sequence: Points [MKI_COLORVALUE] Standard display color without color model, used to display definition point markings.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_COLOR_MARKS ("ColorMarks") Determines the color of markings. Value sequence: Marks [MKI_COLORVALUE] Standard display color without color model, used to display markings.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_COLOR_INPUT ("ColorInput") Determines the color of input rubber lines and of objects being moved. Value sequence: Input [MKI_COLORVALUE] Standard display color without color model, used to display input rubber lines. Highlight New in Version 2012.1 [MKI_COLORVALUE] Standard display color without color model, used to display mouse-over highlights. SnapGuide New in Version 2016.0 [MKI_COLORVALUE] Standard display color without color model, used to display snapping guide objects.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_COLOR_FLAG ("ColorFlag") Determines the colors of different types of object selection. Value sequence: Select [MKI_COLORVALUE] Standard display color without color model, used to display permanently selected objects. Use [MKI_COLORVALUE] Standard display color without color model, used to display temporarily identified objects. Ident [MKI_COLORVALUE] Standard display color without color model, used to highlight objects when an identification is ambiguous. PointUse [MKI_COLORVALUE] Standard display color without color model, used to display temporarily identified points.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_COLOR_CROSS ("ColorCross") Determines the color of the cross-hair. Value sequence: Large [MKI_COLORVALUE] Standard display color without color model, used to display the "large" cross-hair (active window). Small [MKI_COLORVALUE] Standard display color without color model, used to display the "small" cross-hair (inactive windows).
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_COLOR_PAGES ("ColorPages") Determines the color of the pages. Value sequence: Frame [MKI_COLORVALUE] Standard display color without color model, used to display the pages.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_COLOR_DRAWAREA ("ColorDrawArea") Determines the color of drawing background. Value sequence: DrawArea [MKI_COLORVALUE] Standard display color without color model, used to display the drawing background. Text New in Version 6.50 [MKI_COLORVALUE] Standard display color without color model, used to display text on the drawing background (should have a high contrast to DrawArea).
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_COLOR_HYPERLINKS ("ColorHyperlinks") Determines the color of hyperlinks. Value sequence: HighlightColor [MKI_COLORVALUE] Standard display color without color model, used to display hyperlinks.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_COLOR_NOTES ("ColorNotes") New in Version 2020.1 Determines the color of notes. Value sequence: NotesColor [MKI_COLORVALUE] Standard display color without color model, used to display notes.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_COMMANDBAR_FILLCOLOR ("PropFillColor") Renamed in Version 2012.0 Determines the fill color settings of the command bar. Value sequence: Color0, ... ,Color15 [MKI_COLORVALUE] One value for each fill color button in the command bar (currently 15 values).
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_COMMANDBAR_LINEWIDTH ("PropLineWidth") Renamed in Version 2012.0 Determines the line width settings of the command bar. Value sequence: Width0, ... ,Width9 [double] One value for each line width button in the command bar (currently 10 values).
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_COMMANDBAR_LINECOLOR ("PropLineColor") Renamed in Version 2012.0 Determines the line color settings of the command bar. Value sequence: Color0, ... ,Color15 [MKI_COLORVALUE] One value for each line color button in the command bar (currently 15 values).
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_COMMENT_COLOR ("CommentColor") Determines the comment display parameters. Value sequence: ArrowColor [MKI_COLORVALUE] Standard display color without color model, color of the arrow fill color. WindowBackColor [MKI_COLORVALUE] Standard display color without color model, color of the window background color. WindowFrameColor [MKI_COLORVALUE] Standard display color without color model, color of the window outline color. WindowTextColor [MKI_COLORVALUE] Standard display color without color model, color of the window text color. CaptionBackColor0 [MKI_COLORVALUE] Standard display color without color model, color of the window's caption background color Importance = 0. CaptionTextColor0 [MKI_COLORVALUE] Standard display color without color model, color of the window's caption text color at Importance = 0. CaptionBackColor1 [MKI_COLORVALUE] Standard display color without color model, color of the window's caption background color Importance = 1. CaptionTextColor1 [MKI_COLORVALUE] Standard display color without color model, color of the window's caption text color at Importance = 1. CaptionBackColor2 [MKI_COLORVALUE] Standard display color without color model, color of the window's caption background color Importance = 2. CaptionTextColor2 [MKI_COLORVALUE] Standard display color without color model, color of the window's caption text color at Importance = 2.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_COMMENT_SIZE ("CommentSize") Determines the comment display parameters. Value sequence: TextWidth [__int32] Width of the comment in pixels. ArrowWidth [__int32] Width of the comment arrow in pixels. TextLength [__int32] Maximum length of the comment in text lines.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_COMMENT_DISPLAY ("CommentDisplay") Determines the comment display parameters. Value sequence: Display [bool] Comments are visible if true, else not. Foreground [bool] Comments are displayed in foreground if true, else not.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DATABASE_STAMP ("DatabaseStamp") New in Version 2017.0 Recently used values for database stamp creation. Value sequence: Param [__int32] General parameters. Must be a bit-wise OR combination of the following values: 0x00000000 All database values will be used without change. 0x00000001 All numerical values will be rounded to the number of decimal places stated in NumDecPlaces. NumDecPlaces [__int32] Number of decimal places for numerical values. ColumnCount [__int32] Number of selected columns whose numbers will follow. The maximum number is MKI_DATABASE_COLUMN_MAX. ColumnList [__int32[]] List of ColumnCount column indexes indicating all selected columns. The values may be in any order.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DIMLARGE_NUMBERS ("DimLargeNumbers") Determines the default modes for dimension text refresh and placement of dimensions with a dimension line. This section contains the following value sequence exactly MKI_DIMLARGEPARAM_TOTAL times, once for each dimension creation command: NumRefresh [__int32] Default dimension refresh mode for dimensions with a dimension line. NumCentered [bool] Default text centering mode for dimensions with a dimension line. NumPlacing [__int32] Default text placing mode for dimensions with a dimension line. NumRotate [__int32] Default text rotation mode for dimensions with a dimension line. See MKI_DIMLARGE for a detailed description.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DIMLARGE_ARROWS ("DimLargeArrows") Determines the default end symbol settings for dimensions with a dimension line. This section contains the following value sequence exactly MKI_DIMLARGEPARAM_TOTAL times, once for each dimension creation command: ArrowStartForm [__int32] Default symbol at the dimension line's start point. ArrowStartMode [__int32] Dimension line display mode at the start point. ArrowEndForm [__int32] Default symbol at the dimension line's end point. ArrowEndMode [__int32] Dimension line display mode at the end point. See MKI_DIMLARGE for a detailed description.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DIMLARGE_LINES ("DimLargeLines") Determines the default line placement and display modes for dimensions with a dimension line. This section contains the following value sequence exactly MKI_DIMLARGEPARAM_TOTAL times, once for each dimension creation command: ExtStartDisplay [bool] Default extension line display mode at the dimension line's start point. ExtEndDisplay [bool] Default extension line display mode at the dimension line's end point. LineDisplay [bool] Default dimension line display mode. LineOrientation [__int32] Default dimension line orientation mode. LineType [__int32] Default dimension line placement mode. LineDistMode [__int32] Default dimension line distance mode. LineDistance [double] Default dimension line distance. LineOffset [double] Default dimension extension line offset. See MKI_DIMLARGE for a detailed description.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DIMLARGE_FLAGS ("DimLargeFlags") New in Version 6.51 Determines the default dimension flags for dimensions with a dimension line. This section contains the following value sequence exactly MKI_DIMLARGEPARAM_TOTAL times, once for each dimension creation command: DimFlag [int32] Dimension-type-specific flags. Unused [int32] Unused. See MKI_DIMLARGE for a detailed description.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DIMLARGE_TEXTS ("DimLargeTexts") Determines the default additional texts for all dimension types with a dimension line. This section contains the following value sequence exactly MKI_DIMLARGEPARAM_TOTAL times, once for each dimension creation command: Text0, ... ,Text6 [MKI_STR256W] Additional texts for the dimension (currently MKI_DIMTEXTPARAM_TOTAL values).
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DIMLAYOUT_ARROWS ("DimLayoutArrows") Determines the size of all dimension end symbols (especially arrows). This value effects all dimensions in the drawing! Value sequence: ArrowMin [double] Minimum line width that is used to calculate the arrows' sizes. ArrowScale [double] Arrow size scaling factor relative to the default size given by DIN rules. ExtOverhang New in Version 6.41 [double] Overhang of dimension extension lines.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DIMLAYOUT_DIMMODE ("DimLayoutDimMode") Determines the way trailing zeros of dimensions are handled. Value sequence: DimMode [__int32] Default dimension number mode. Must be one of the following values: MKI_DIMZEROMODE_STRIP No trailing zeros are displayed MKI_DIMZEROMODE_ONE At least one trailing zero is displayed MKI_DIMZEROMODE_ALL All trailing zeros are displayed
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DIMLAYOUT_LINEMODE ("DimLayoutLineMode") Determines the orientation of dimension extension lines for arc length dimensions. Value sequence: ExtLineMode [__int32] Orientation of extension lines. Must be one of the following values: MKI_DIMEXTLINE_RADIAL Extension lines are parallel MKI_DIMEXTLINE_PARALLEL Extension lines are radial
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DIMLAYOUT_EDITTEXT ("DimLayoutEditText") Determines whether or not the addtional dimension texts (and tolerances) can be edited each time a dimension is created. Value sequence: EditText [bool] The additional texts can be edited if true, else not.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DIMLINE_ARROWS ("DimLineArrows") Determines the default end symbol settings for dimension lines. This section contains the following value sequence exactly MKI_DIMLINEPARAM_TOTAL times, once for each dimension line creation command: ArrowStartForm [__int32] Default symbol at the dimension line's start point. ArrowStartMode [__int32] Dimension line display mode at the start point. ArrowEndForm [__int32] Default symbol at the dimension line's end point. ArrowEndMode [__int32] Dimension line display mode at the end point. See MKI_DIMLINE for a detailed description.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DIMPARAM ("DimParam") Determines the default text font and sizes for dimensions. Value sequence: TextFont [MKI_FONTDEF] Default dimension font. TextSize1 [double] Default size of full-size dimension texts in [mm]. TextSize2 [double] Default size of small dimension texts (tolerances) in [mm]. CharDistance [double] Default gap between two characters. TabDistance [double] Default distance between two tabulators. TextMode [__int32] Default position of the dimension text relative to the insertion point. TextOrder [__int32] Default reading order of the dimension text. NumMode [__int32] Default number display mode of dimensions. NumPrecision [__int32] Default number precision of dimensions. System [__int32] Default coordinate system assigned to dimensions. See MKI_DIMSMALL or MKI_DIMLARGE for a detailed description.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DIMSMALL_NUMBERS ("DimSmallNumbers") Determines the default modes for dimension text refresh and placement of dimensions without dimension line. This section contains the following value sequence exactly MKI_DIMSMALLPARAM_TOTAL times, once for each dimension creation command: NumRefresh [__int32] Default dimension refresh mode for dimensions without dimension line. NumRotate [__int32] Default text rotation mode for dimensions without dimension line. See MKI_DIMSMALL for a detailed description.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DIMSMALL_TEXTS ("DimSmallTexts") Determines the default additional texts for all dimension types without dimension line. This section contains the following value sequence exactly MKI_DIMSMALLPARAM_TOTAL times, once for each dimension creation command: Text0, ... ,Text6 [MKI_STR256W] Additional texts for the dimension (currently MKI_DIMTEXTPARAM_TOTAL values).
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DIMTEXT ("DimText") New in Version 2016.0 Determines the default text font and sizes for dimension texts. Value sequence: TextFont [MKI_FONTDEF] Default dimension font. TextSize1 [double] Default size of full-size dimension texts in [mm]. TextSize2 [double] Default size of small dimension texts (tolerances) in [mm]. CharDistance [double] Default gap between two characters. TabDistance [double] Default distance between two tabulators. TextMode [__int32] Default position of the dimension text relative to the insertion point. TextOrder [__int32] Default reading order of the dimension text. NumMode [__int32] Default number display mode of dimensions. Unused. NumPrecision [__int32] Default number precision of dimensions. Unused. System [__int32] Default coordinate system assigned to dimensions. Unused. See MKI_DIMSMALL for a detailed description.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DISPLAY_LINES ("DisplayLines") Determines whether and how to display object outlines on the screen. Value sequence: Lines [bool] The object outlines are visible if true, else not. LineMode [__int32] Display method of line widths and types on the screen (see MKI_LINEDISPLAY_*). BlockLines [bool] Block-based line types are visible if true, else not.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DISPLAY_FILLS ("DisplayFills") Determines whether or not object fills are visible on the screen. Value sequence: Fills [bool] The object fills are visible if true, else not.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DISPLAY_ERASERS ("DisplayErasers") Determines whether or not erasers are filled with a recognizable pattern. Value sequence: Erasers [bool] Erasers are filled with a pattern if true, else they are filled with background color.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DISPLAY_TEXTS ("DisplayTexts") Determines whether or not texts are displayed using the proper font type and size. Value sequence: Texts [bool] Texts are displayed using the proper font type and size if true, else they are all displayed using a small standard font.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DISPLAY_FRAMES ("DisplayFrames") Changed in Version 2019.1 Determines whether or not specific frames and additional information are visible on the screen. Value sequence: BoundaryMode [__int32] Frame display mode. Must be a bit-wise OR combination of MKI_BOUNDARYLINE_* values. TaskFrames [bool] Task frames are displayed if true. TaskNames [bool] Task names are displayed if true (only if TaskFrames is also true). MappingSources [bool] Mapping source frames are displayed in Model Space if true.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DISPLAY_VARIABLES ("DisplayVariables") Determines whether or not variables and statements inside texts are resolved. Value sequence: Variables [bool] Variables inside texts are resolved if true, else the original text is displayed. Statements [bool] Statements inside texts are resolved if true, else the original text is displayed.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DISPLAY_BITMAPS ("DisplayBitmaps") Determines whether or not bitmap are displayed on the screen. Value sequence: Bitmaps [bool] Bitmaps are visible if true, else not.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DISPLAY_BLOCKS ("DisplayBlocks") Determines whether or not references to blocks are resolved on the screen. Value sequence: Symbols [bool] Block references are resolved if true, else block and library stored in the reference are displayed using a small font. References New in Version 6.20 [bool] Drawing references are resolved if true, else the drawing file name is displayed using a small font.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DISPLAY_MARKS ("DisplayMarks") Changed in Version 2023.1 Determines whether or not markings are visible on the screen. Value sequence: Marks [bool] Markings are visible if true, else not. Colored New in Version 2010.0 [bool] Markings are displayed in line color if true, else in the system's default marking color. Zoomable New in Version 2023.1 [bool] Markings are zoomable if true, else their size is fixed. Size New in Version 2023.1 [double] Display size of the marking symbol. If Zoomable is true, the size is given in drawing internal millimeters. If Zoomable is false, the size is given in % of the screen height. Default value is 1.0. Form New in Version 2023.1 [__int32] Display form for the marking symbol (see MKI_MARKFORM_*).
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DISPLAY_GEOMETRY ("DisplayGeometry") Determines whether and how Construction Aid objects are visible on the screen, and if Construction Aid objects may be altered. Value sequence: Geometry [bool] Construction Aid objects are visible if true, else not. Locked [bool] Construction Aid objects may not be altered if true, else they may. OrderMode Changed in Version 2015.0 [__int32] Type of circle and ellipse parts to be created. Must be one of the following values: MKI_GEOMODE_DEFAULT Construction Aid objects are displayed in normal display order. MKI_GEOMODE_BACKGROUND Construction Aid objects are displayed in the background of other objects. MKI_GEOMODE_FOREGROUND Construction Aid objects are displayed in the foreground of other objects. Idle New in Version 2023.2 [bool] Construction Aid objects will be ignored during snapping if true, else they are not.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DISPLAY_POINTS ("DisplayPoints") Determines whether or not point markings, direction arrows, and object numbers are displayed on the screen. Value sequence: Mode Changed in Version 2021.0 [__int32] Display mode. Must be a bit-wise OR combination of MKI_POINTDISPLAY_* values.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DISPLAY_TRUETYPE ("DisplayTrueType") Determines whether or not texts using TrueType fonts are resolved into outlines. Value sequence: TrueType [bool] Texts using TrueType font are resolved if true, else not.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DISPLAY_EXTERN ("DisplayExtern") Determines whether or not the screen display is based on output properties which are normally used for output only. Value sequence: Extern [bool] The output properties are used if true, else the screen properties are used. ResolveLines New in Version 2012.2 [bool] Line types will be resolved into simple line segments if true, else complex line types will be used. OptimizeLines New in Version 2012.2 [bool] Line type display will be optimized to ensure line segments at all end-points and corners. Implies ResolveLines and affects both display and output!
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DISPLAY_ARCS ("DisplayArcs") Determines how circle and ellipse parts are created. Value sequence: ArcPositive [bool] Circle and ellipse parts will rotate counter-clockwise if true, else clockwise. ArcMode [__int32] Type of circle and ellipse parts to be created. Must be one of the following values: MKI_ARCMODE_ARC Arcs MKI_ARCMODE_SECTOR Sectors MKI_ARCMODE_SEGMENT Segments
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DISPLAY_AREAS ("DisplayAreas") Determines the current area selection mode. Value sequence: Areas [bool] Areas select only fully inlcuded objects, else they select any object crossing the area.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DISPLAY_ORTHO ("DisplayOrtho") Determines whether or not the ortho mode is active. Value sequence: Ortho [bool] The ortho mode is active if true, else not.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DISPLAY_DECIMAL ("DisplayDecimal") Determines the character used as decimal separator in numbers. Value sequence: DecimalComma [bool] The character "comma" (Unicode 44) is used if true, else the character "point" (Unicode 46) is used.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DISPLAY_THRESHOLD ("DisplayThreshold") Determines up to which size texts on the screen are replaced by placeholders. Value sequence: Threshold [__int32] Minimum size in pixels of a font that will not be replaced by a placeholder. Any smaller text will be replaced.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DISPLAY_QUALITY ("DisplayQuality") Determines several accuracies for object conversions. Value sequence: Screen [double] The precision for screen display in [mm]. [double] The precision for printer output in [mm]. Convert [double] The precision for object conversion in [mm].
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DISPLAY_HYPERLINKS ("DisplayHyperlinks") Determines whether or not hyperlinks are filled with a recognizable pattern. Value sequence: Hyperlinks [bool] Hyperlinks drawn with eraser filling mode are filled with a pattern if true, else they are filled with background color.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_DISPLAY_PAGES ("DisplayPages") New in Version 6.50 Determines how hidden layers and assigned objects in pages shall be display. Value sequence: LayerMode [__int32] Handling of layers hidden in the active page (see MKI_PAGELAYERS_*). ObjectMode Changed in Version 6.61 [__int32] Handling of objects assigned to non-active pages (see MKI_PAGEDISPLAY_*).
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_MULTILINE ("MultiLine") Determines the current multiline options. This section contains the following value sequence exactly MKI_HATCHLINE_MAX (8) times: Use [bool] This line is used if true, else not. Distance [double] Distance of the line in [mm] relative to the base line. XProperty [MKI_XPROPERTY] Properties of the line.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_ORTHOMODE ("OrthoMode") Determines the current ortho mode settings. Value sequence: Mode [__int32] Ortho mode type. Must be one of the following values: MKI_ORTHOMODE_USER Custom values as listed in Angle0 .. Angle7 MKI_ORTHOMODE_90 Multiples of 90 degrees. MKI_ORTHOMODE_45 Multiples of 45 degrees. MKI_ORTHOMODE_30 Multiples of 30 degrees. MKI_ORTHOMODE_22_5 Multiples of 22,5 degrees. MKI_ORTHOMODE_12 Multiples of 15 degrees. MKI_ORTHOMODE_5 Multiples of 5 degrees. Count [__int32] Number of angles to be used. Valid range is 0 to MKI_ORTHO_MAX (8). Angle0, ... ,Angle7 [double] Angles in [rad] specifying the possible mouse movement directions (currently MKI_ORTHO_MAX (8) values).
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_OUTPUT_FRAME ("OutputFrame") Determines whether and how to output a page or object frame. Value sequence: Visible [bool] A frame will be output if true, else not. Mode [__int32] Frame output mode. Must be one of the following values: MKI_OUTPUTFRAME_PAGE Page MKI_OUTPUTFRAME_OBJECTS Object frame SizePage [double] Extra size added to the page size before output. SizeObject [double] Extra size added to the object’s surrounding frame before output. XProperty [MKI_XPROPERTY] Properties of the frame output.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_OUTPUT_BITMAP ("OutputBitmap") Determines whether or not to output bitmaps. Value sequence: Visible [bool] Bitmaps will be output if true, else not.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_OUTPUT_GEOMETRY ("OutputGeometry") Determines whether or not to output Construction Aid objects. Value sequence: Visible [bool] Construction Aid objects will be output if true, else not.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_OUTPUT_GRID ("OutputGrid") Changed in Version 2023.1 Determines whether and how to output the display grid. Value sequence: Visible [bool] The display grid will be output if true, else not. Form [__int32] Display form for the grid symbol (see MKI_MARKFORM_*). Size [double] The size of the grid node output in [mm]. XProperty [MKI_XPROPERTY] Properties used to output the grid nodes.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_OUTPUT_MARK ("OutputMark") Changed in Version 2023.1 Determines whether and how to output markings. Value sequence: Visible [bool] Markings will be output if true, else not. XProperty [MKI_XPROPERTY] Properties used to output the markings.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_OUTPUT_TRUETYPE ("OutputTrueType") Determines whether or not texts using TrueType fonts are resolved into outlines. Value sequence: TrueType [bool] Texts using TrueType font are resolved if true, else not.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_OUTPUT_INTERN ("OutputIntern") Determines the output mode. Value sequence: InternProperties [bool] The screen properties are used if true, else the output properties are used. ResolveLines New in Version 6.50 [bool] Line types will be resolved into simple line segments if true, else complex line types will be used. ColorMode New in Version 6.50 [__int32] Determines how colors will be passed on to the output device (see MKI_COLOROUTPUT_*). ScaleLineWidths New in Version 2018.1 [bool] Line widths will be scaled by LineWidthScale if true. LineWidthScale New in Version 2018.1 [double] Line width scaling factor. UseShading New in Version 2020.1 [bool] Shading layers and pens will also apply to output (not only to screen display) if true.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_OUTPUT_PAGES ("OutputPage") New in Version 6.50 Determines if layers hidden by the active page and objects assigned to non-active pages shall be output. Value sequence: LayerMode [bool] If true, layers hidden on the active page will be displayed, anyhow. ObjectMode [bool] If true, objects assigned to non-active pages will be displayed, anyhow.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_POSNUM_RANGEINDEX ("PosNumRangeIndex") New in Version 2021.1 Determines the position number range settings. Value sequence: Active [__int32] Index of the currently active position number range (0 = basic number range, 1..9 = number ranges 1 through 9).
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_POSNUM_VALUE ("PosNumValue") New in Version 2021.1 MKI_MKD_ENTRY_POSNUM_VALUE1 ("PosNumValue1") to MKI_MKD_ENTRY_POSNUM_VALUE9 ("PosNumValue9") New in Version 2021.1 Determines the position number templates for the basic number range and for number ranges 1 through 9. Value sequence: Text [MKI_VARIABLEVALUE] Text template for the position number text, must contain the appropriate variable such as ~#AutoPosNum~ or ~#AutoPosNum1~ through ~#AutoPosNum9~. Value [MKI_VARIABLEVALUE] Current position number value. If Numerical is true, this text usually contains a numerical value in the range of 1 through MKI_POSNO_MAX. Mode [__int32] Bit-wise OR combination of some flags indicating position number creation modes. Possible values are: MKI_POSNO_MODE_NUMERICAL The contents of Value is meant to be a numerical value. When creating a new position number based on this number range, the next unused numerical value will be used. MKI_POSNO_MODE_COPY_ATTRIB When creating a position number based on this number range, the standard attributes will be copied to that position number group. MKI_POSNO_MODE_EDIT_ATTRIB After creating a position number based on this number range, a dialog will appear allowing to edit the position number group's attributes. Start [__int32] The first value of this number range, only used if Numerical is true. The valid range is 1 through MKI_POSNO_MAX.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_POSNUM_FONT ("PosNumFont") MKI_MKD_ENTRY_POSNUM_FONT1 ("PosNumFont1") to MKI_MKD_ENTRY_POSNUM_FONT9 ("PosNumFont9") New in Version 2021.1 Determines the position number templates for the basic number range and for number ranges 1 through 9. Value sequence: TextFont [MKI_FONTDEF] Default font.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_POSNUM_DISTANCE ("PosNumDistance") MKI_MKD_ENTRY_POSNUM_DISTANCE1 ("PosNumDistance1") to MKI_MKD_ENTRY_POSNUM_DISTANCE9 ("PosNumDistance1") New in Version 2021.1 Determines the position number templates for the basic number range and for number ranges 1 through 9. Value sequence: CharDistance [double] The value CharDistance determines the gap between two characters. This gap is stated relative to the font size. A value of 0.1 at a font size of 10pt will result in a character gap of 1pt. Allowed values are -10.0 to +10.0. The default value for TrueType and device fonts should be 0.0, for internal fonts 0.125. TabDistance [double] The value TabDistance determines the distance between two tabulators. This distance is stated relative to the font size. A value of 4.0 at a font size of 5 mm will result in a tabulator distance of 20 mm. Allowed values are -100.0 to 100.0. The default value is 4.0. LineDistance [double] The value LineDistance determines the offset between two lines of text, measured from baseline to baseline. This offset is stated relative to the font size. A value of 1.2 at a font size of 10pt will lead to a line offset of 12pt. Allowed values are -10.0 to 10.0. The default value is 1.0.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_POSNUM_HEIGHT ("PosNumHeight") MKI_MKD_ENTRY_POSNUM_HEIGHT9 ("PosNumHeight1") to MKI_MKD_ENTRY_POSNUM_HEIGHT9 ("PosNumHeight9") New in Version 2021.1 Determines the position number templates for the basic number range and for number ranges 1 through 9. Value sequence: Height [double] Text height in [mm].
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_POSNUM_GEOMETRY ("PosNumGeometry") MKI_MKD_ENTRY_POSNUM_GEOMETRY1 ("PosNumGeometry1") to MKI_MKD_ENTRY_POSNUM_GEOMETRY9 ("PosNumGeometry9") New in Version 2021.1 Determines the position number templates for the basic number range and for number ranges 1 through 9. Value sequence: XScaling [double] Horizontal scaling relative to 1. Rotation [double] Text rotation angle in [rad]. Distortion [double] Text distortion angle in [rad].
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_POSNUM_MODE ("PosNumMode") MKI_MKD_ENTRY_POSNUM_MODE1 ("PosNumMode1") to MKI_MKD_ENTRY_POSNUM_MODE9 ("PosNumMode9") New in Version 2021.1 Determines the position number templates for the basic number range and for number ranges 1 through 9. Value sequence: TextMode [__int32] The value TextMode states the position of the text relative to the insertion point (see MKI_TEXTMODE_*). Block mode is not supported. TextOrder [__int32] The value TextOrder defines the reading order of the text, i.e. it determines the direction in which the characters are placed (see MKI_TEXTORDER_*). DisplayMode New in Version 6.20 [__int32] Bit-wise OR combination of some flags indicating the display mode for blocks. Possible values are (see MKI_DISPLAYMODE_*): MKI_DISPLAYMODE_DEFAULT MKI_DISPLAYMODE_ADAPT_ANGLE MKI_DISPLAYMODE_ADAPT_SCALE
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_POSNUM_ARROW ("PosNumArrow") MKI_MKD_ENTRY_POSNUM_ARROW1 ("PosNumArrow1") to MKI_MKD_ENTRY_POSNUM_ARROW9 ("PosNumArrow9") New in Version 2021.1 Determines the position number templates for the basic number range and for number ranges 1 through 9. Value sequence: ArrowForm [__int32] The value ArrowForm determines the form of the arrow at the start-point (x,y) of the reference line (see MKI_ARROWFORM_*). ArrowMode [__int32] The value ArrowMode determines the form of the reference line (see MKI_REFARROW_*).
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_POSNUM_FRAME ("PosNumFrame") MKI_MKD_ENTRY_POSNUM_FRAME1 ("PosNumFrame1") to MKI_MKD_ENTRY_POSNUM_FRAME9 ("PosNumFrame9") New in Version 2021.1 Determines the position number templates for the basic number range and for number ranges 1 through 9. Value sequence: FrameForm [__int32] The value FrameForm determines, which form the surrounding frame of the text shall have (see MKI_REFFRAME_*). FrameOffset [double] The value FrameOffset determines the minimum distance between text itself and its surrounding frame.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_PRINT_LAYOUTINDEX ("PrintLayoutIndex") Determines the current printer layout. Value sequence: Index [__int32] Number of the current print layout. Allowed range is 0 to MKI_PRINTER_MAX - 1.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_PRINT_HEADER_FIRST ... MKI_MKD_ENTRY_PRINT_HEADER_LAST - 1 ("PrintHeader[n]") Changed in Version 2014.0 Determines the printing header. Value sequence: HeaderL HeaderC HeaderR [MKI_COMMENTLONG] See HeaderL, HeaderC, and HeaderR in MKI_PRINT_ENTRY.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_PRINT_FOOTER_FIRST ... MKI_MKD_ENTRY_PRINT_FOOTER_LAST - 1 ("PrintFooter[n]") Changed in Version 2014.0 Determines the printing footer. Value sequence: FooterL FooterC FooterR [MKI_COMMENTLONG] See FooterL, FooterC, and FooterR in MKI_PRINT_ENTRY.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_PRINT_DRAFT_FIRST ... MKI_MKD_ENTRY_PRINT_DRAFT_LAST - 1 ("PrintDraft[n]") Determines whether or not to use the printer's draft mode. Value sequence: Draft [bool] See Draft in MKI_PRINT_ENTRY.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_PRINT_SELONLY_FIRST ... MKI_MKD_ENTRY_PRINT_SELONLY_LAST - 1 ("PrintSelOnly[n]") Determines whether or not only permanently selected objects are to be printed. Value sequence: SelelectedOnly [bool] See SelectedOnly in MKI_PRINT_ENTRY.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_PRINT_CENTERED_FIRST ... MKI_MKD_ENTRY_PRINT_CENTERED_LAST - 1 ("PrintCentered[n]") Determines whether or not the print-out will be centered on the page. Value sequence: Centered [bool] See Centered in MKI_PRINT_ENTRY.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_PRINT_EDGES_FIRST ... MKI_MKD_ENTRY_PRINT_EDGES_LAST - 1 ("PrintEdges[n]") Determines whether or not page edges will be printed. Value sequence: Edges [bool] See Edges in MKI_PRINT_ENTRY.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_PRINT_PAGES_FIRST ... MKI_MKD_ENTRY_PRINT_PAGES_LAST - 1 ("PrintPages[n]") Determines which pages are printed and how multiple copies will be created. Value sequence: PageRangeMode [__int32] See PageRangeMode in MKI_PRINT_ENTRY. PageRangeText [MKI_COMMENTLONG] See PageRangeText in MKI_PRINT_ENTRY. Sorted [bool] See Sorted in MKI_PRINT_ENTRY. PageSplit New in Version 6.30 [bool] See PageSplit in MKI_PRINT_ENTRY.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_PRINT_ORIENT_FIRST ... MKI_MKD_ENTRY_PRINT_ORIENT_LAST - 1 ("PrintOrient[n]") Determines the paper orientation during print-out. Value sequence: PageOrient [__int32] See PageOrient in MKI_PRINT_ENTRY.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_PRINT_MODE_FIRST ... MKI_MKD_ENTRY_PRINT_MODE_LAST - 1 ("PrintMode[n]") Determines the printing mode. Value sequence: PrintMode [__int32] See PrintMode in MKI_PRINT_ENTRY. UsePaperSize [bool] See UsePaperSize in MKI_PRINT_ENTRY.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_PRINT_SCALE_FIRST ... MKI_MKD_ENTRY_PRINT_SCALE_LAST - 1 ("PrintScale[n]") Determines the printing scale. Value sequence: Scale [double] See Scale in MKI_PRINT_ENTRY. ScaleLines [bool] See ScaleLines in MKI_PRINT_ENTRY.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_PRINT_BORDER_FIRST ... MKI_MKD_ENTRY_PRINT_BORDER_LAST - 1 ("PrintBorder[n]") Determines the printing borders in [mm]. Value sequence: Border [MKI_RECT] See Border in MKI_PRINT_ENTRY. Offset [double] See Offset in MKI_PRINT_ENTRY.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_PRINT_SERIAL_FIRST ... MKI_MKD_ENTRY_PRINT_SERIAL_LAST - 1 ("PrintSerial[n]") New in Version 6.21 Determines the serial printing parameters. Value sequence: SerialRules [bool] See SerialRules in MKI_PRINT_ENTRY. SerialDatabase [bool] See SerialDatabase in MKI_PRINT_ENTRY. SerialSplit [bool] See SerialSplit in MKI_PRINT_ENTRY. SerialMin [__int32] See SerialMin in MKI_PRINT_ENTRY. SerialMax [__int32] See SerialMax in MKI_PRINT_ENTRY. SerialPerJob [__int32] See SerialPerJob in MKI_PRINT_ENTRY.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_SERIAL_DATABASE ("SerialDatabase") New in Version 6.21 Determines the database to be used for serial printing. Value sequence: Name [MKI_DATABASENAME] Name of the database to be used for serial printing. The database must be opened by the user.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_SERIAL_INDEX ("SerialIndex") New in Version 6.21 Determines the current database entry’s index to be used for serial printing preview. Value sequence: Index [__int32] Index of the currently selected, filtered database entry or -1 for none.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_SERIAL_FILTER ("SerialFilter") New in Version 6.21 Determines the filter criteria for serial printing. This section contains the following value sequence exactly MKI_SERIAL_FILTER_MAX times, once for each filter criterion: ColumnIndex [__int32] Zero-based index of the database column that contains the values to be filtered. FilterText [MKI_STR64W] Text of the filter criterion. Depending on the chosen comparison operator, this text will be interpreted either as plain text or as a numeric expression. Compare [__int32] Comparison used to combine the column entry and the text. The following operators are defined: MKI_COMPARE_NONE No comparison is defined, i.e. this criterion will not be used. MKI_COMPARE_EQUAL The column’s content must be identical to FilterText. MKI_COMPARE_NOT_EQUAL The column’s content may not be identical to FilterText. MKI_COMPARE_LESS The column’s content must be less than FilterText. MKI_COMPARE_NOT_LESS The column’s content may not be less than FilterText. MKI_COMPARE_GREATER The column’s content must be greater than FilterText. MKI_COMPARE_NOT_GREATER The column’s content may not be greater than FilterText. MKI_COMPARE_EMPTY The column’s content must be empty (or 0 in numeric mode). MKI_COMPARE_NOT_EMPTY The column’s content may not be empty (or 0 in numeric mode). MKI_COMPARE_CONTAIN The column’s content must be a substring contained in FilterText (always text-based). MKI_COMPARE_NOT_CONTAIN The column’s content may not be a substring contained in FilterText (always text-based). MKI_COMPARE_PARTOF The column’s content must contain FilterText as a substring (always text-based). MKI_COMPARE_NOT_PARTOF The column’s content may not contain FilterText as a substring (always text-based). Logical [__int32] Logical operator used to combine this filter’s result with the previous filter’s result. The following operators are defined: MKI_LOGICAL_NONE No combination defined, i.e. this criterion will not be used (unless it is the first). MKI_LOGICAL_AND Both this and all previous criteria must be met. MKI_LOGICAL_OR This or all previous criteria must be met. MKI_LOGICAL_XOR Either this or all previous criteria must be met, but not both. Numeric [bool] If true, the operands are interpreted as numeric values and compared by value. Otherwise, they are interpreted as plain text and sorted lexically. Text-based comparisons ignore this setting. Sensitive [bool] If true, any text-based comparison is case-sensitive.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_SERIAL_SORT ("SerialSort") New in Version 6.21 Determines the sorting criteria for serial printing. This section contains the following value sequence exactly MKI_SERIAL_SORT_MAX times, once for each filter criterion: ColumnIndex [__int32] Zero-based index of the database column that contains the values on which the sorting shall be based. Numeric [bool] If true, the column’s content is interpreted as a numeric value and sorted by value. Otherwise, it is interpreted as plain text and sorted lexically. Reverse [bool] If true, the entries will be sorted descending. Otherwise, they will be sorted ascending.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_SERIAL_RULE ("SerialRule") New in Version 6.21 Determines the rules for serial printing. This section contains the following value sequence exactly MKI_SERIAL_RULE_MAX times, once for each filter criterion: Variable [MKI_VARIABLENAME] Name of the variable to be changed by the rule. If the variable does not exist, the rule will not be executed. Rule [MKI_STR256W] Rule to be applied to the variable, must contain a valid textual and/or numeric expression according to Statements in Texts. The resulting text of the rule will be assigned to Variable.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_TEXTFRAME_FONT ("TextFrameFont") Determines the default values of the frame text dialog. Value sequence: TextFont [MKI_FONTDEF] Default font.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_TEXTFRAME_DISTANCE ("TextFrameDistance") Determines the default values of the frame text dialog. Value sequence: CharDistance [double] The value CharDistance determines the gap between two characters. This gap is stated relative to the font size. A value of 0.1 at a font size of 10pt will result in a character gap of 1pt. Allowed values are -10.0 to +10.0. The default value for TrueType and device fonts should be 0.0, for internal fonts 0.125. TabDistance [double] The value TabDistance determines the distance between two tabulators. This distance is stated relative to the font size. A value of 4.0 at a font size of 5 mm will result in a tabulator distance of 20 mm. Allowed values are -100.0 to 100.0. The default value is 4.0. LineDistance [double] The value LineDistance determines the offset between two lines of text, measured from baseline to baseline. This offset is stated relative to the font size. A value of 1.2 at a font size of 10pt will lead to a line offset of 12pt. Allowed values are -10.0 to 10.0. The default value is 1.0.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_TEXTFRAME_HEIGHT ("TextFrameHeight") Determines the default values of the frame text dialog. Value sequence: Height [double] Text height in [mm].
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_TEXTFRAME_MODE ("TextFrameMode") Determines the default values of the frame text dialog. Value sequence: TextMode [__int32] The value TextMode states the position of the text relative to the surrounding frame (see MKI_TEXTMODE_*). TextOrder [__int32] The value TextOrder defines the reading order of the text, i.e. it determines the direction in which the characters are placed (see MKI_TEXTORDER_*). DisplayMode New in Version 6.20 [__int32] Bit-wise OR combination of some flags indicating the display mode for blocks. Possible values are (see MKI_DISPLAYMODE_*): MKI_DISPLAYMODE_DEFAULT MKI_DISPLAYMODE_ADAPT_ANGLE MKI_DISPLAYMODE_ADAPT_SCALE
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_TEXTREF_FONT ("TextRefFont") Determines the default values of the reference text dialog. Value sequence: TextFont [MKI_FONTDEF] Default font.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_TEXTREF_DISTANCE ("TextRefDistance") Determines the default values of the reference text dialog. Value sequence: CharDistance [double] The value CharDistance determines the gap between two characters. This gap is stated relative to the font size. A value of 0.1 at a font size of 10pt will result in a character gap of 1pt. Allowed values are -10.0 to +10.0. The default value for TrueType and device fonts should be 0.0, for internal fonts 0.125. TabDistance [double] The value TabDistance determines the distance between two tabulators. This distance is stated relative to the font size. A value of 4.0 at a font size of 5 mm will result in a tabulator distance of 20 mm. Allowed values are -100.0 to 100.0. The default value is 4.0. LineDistance [double] The value LineDistance determines the offset between two lines of text, measured from baseline to baseline. This offset is stated relative to the font size. A value of 1.2 at a font size of 10pt will lead to a line offset of 12pt. Allowed values are -10.0 to 10.0. The default value is 1.0.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_TEXTREF_HEIGHT ("TextRefHeight") Determines the default values of the reference text dialog. Value sequence: Height [double] Text height in [mm].
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_TEXTREF_GEOMETRY ("TextRefGeometry") Determines the default values of the reference text dialog. Value sequence: XScaling [double] Horizontal scaling relative to 1. Rotation [double] Text rotation angle in [rad]. Distortion [double] Text distortion angle in [rad].
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_TEXTREF_MODE ("TextRefMode") Determines the default values of the reference text dialog. Value sequence: TextMode [__int32] The value TextMode states the position of the text relative to the insertion point (see MKI_TEXTMODE_*). Block mode is not supported. TextOrder [__int32] The value TextOrder defines the reading order of the text, i.e. it determines the direction in which the characters are placed (see MKI_TEXTORDER_*).
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_TEXTREF_ARROW ("TextRefArrow") Determines the default values of the reference text dialog. Value sequence: ArrowForm [__int32] The value ArrowForm determines the form of the arrow at the start-point (x,y) of the reference line (see MKI_ARROWFORM_*). ArrowMode [__int32] The value ArrowMode determines the form of the reference line (see MKI_REFARROW_*).
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_TEXTREF_FRAME ("TextRefFrame") Determines the default values of the reference text dialog. Value sequence: FrameForm [__int32] The value FrameForm determines, which form the surrounding frame of the text shall have (see MKI_REFFRAME_*). FrameOffset [double] The value FrameOffset determines the minimum distance between text itself and its surrounding frame.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_TEXTSTD_FONT ("TextStdFont") Determines the default values of the standard text dialog. Value sequence: TextFont [MKI_FONTDEF] Default font.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_TEXTSTD_DISTANCE ("TextStdDistance") Determines the default values of the standard text dialog. Value sequence: CharDistance [double] The value CharDistance determines the gap between two characters. This gap is stated relative to the font size. A value of 0.1 at a font size of 10pt will result in a character gap of 1pt. Allowed values are -10.0 to +10.0. The default value for TrueType and device fonts should be 0.0, for internal fonts 0.125. TabDistance [double] The value TabDistance determines the distance between two tabulators. This distance is stated relative to the font size. A value of 4.0 at a font size of 5 mm will result in a tabulator distance of 20 mm. Allowed values are -100.0 to 100.0. The default value is 4.0. LineDistance [double] The value LineDistance determines the offset between two lines of text, measured from baseline to baseline. This offset is stated relative to the font size. A value of 1.2 at a font size of 10pt will lead to a line offset of 12pt. Allowed values are -10.0 to 10.0. The default value is 1.0.
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_TEXTSTD_HEIGHT ("TextStdHeight") Determines the default values of the standard text dialog. Value sequence: Height [double] Text height in [mm].
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_TEXTSTD_GEOMETRY ("TextStdGeometry") Determines the default values of the standard text dialog. Value sequence: XScaling [double] Horizontal scaling relative to 1. Rotation [double] Text rotation angle in [rad]. Distortion [double] Text distortion angle in [rad].
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_TEXTSTD_MODE ("TextStdMode") Determines the default values of the standard text dialog. Value sequence: TextMode [__int32] The value TextMode states the position of the text relative to the insertion point (see MKI_TEXTMODE_*). Block mode is not supported. TextOrder [__int32] The value TextOrder defines the reading order of the text, i.e. it determines the direction in which the characters are placed (see MKI_TEXTORDER_*). DisplayMode New in Version 6.20 [__int32] Bit-wise OR combination of some flags indicating the display mode for blocks. Possible values are (see MKI_DISPLAYMODE_*): MKI_DISPLAYMODE_DEFAULT MKI_DISPLAYMODE_ADAPT_ANGLE MKI_DISPLAYMODE_ADAPT_SCALE
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_ZIGZAG_INDENT ("ZigZagIndent") Determines the default indent distance of zigzag lines. Value sequence: Indent [double] The default zigzag line indent distance in [mm].
Entries for libraries The following profile entries for libraries are currently defined:
MKI_MKD_ENTRY_LIBRARY_SCALE ("LibraryScale") New in Version 2014.0 Determines the base scale of this library. BlockScale [double] This scale will be used as base scale for any scale-based scaling of this library's blocks. Default value is 1.0 if not present.
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