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MKI_TASKDEF (Entity Data Classes) Changed in Version 2024.0 |
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C++ Syntaxclass MKI_TASKDEF { public:
__int32 m_nMode; MKI_TASKNAME m_szName; MKI_COMMENTSHORT m_szComment; MKI_FILENAMEW m_szFileName; MKI_RECT m_cRect, m_cSize; __int32 m_nLayerCount, m_nLayerMode; MKI_LAYERNAME* m_pszLayerName; __int32* m_pnLayerMode; MKI_XPROPERTY_PTR m_pcLayerIntern, m_pcLayerExtern; __int32 m_anLayerDefault[MKI_DEFAULT_MAX]; __int32 m_nPenCount, m_nPenMode; MKI_PENNAME* m_pszPenName; __int32* m_pnPenMode; MKI_PROPERTY_PTR m_pcPenIntern, m_pcPenExtern; __int32 m_anPenDefault[MKI_DEFAULT_MAX]; __int32 m_nActiveLayer, m_nActivePen, m_nActivePage, m_nActiveHatch, m_nActiveViewSystem, m_anActiveDrawSystem[MKI_WINDOW_MAX]; __int32 m_nDisplayLine, m_nDisplayPoint; __int32 m_nOutputLayer, m_nOutputPage, m_nOutputColor; MKI_FILEREFERENCE m_szExportName; MKI_PRINT_ENTRY m_cExportPrint; MKI_PRINT_PDF m_cExportPDF; __int32 m_nExportHideFlags; MKI_BITMAP_EXPORT m_cExportBitmap; MKI_CREATEBLOCK_DATA m_cExportBlock; MKI_COLLECTION_DATA m_cExportPlugIn; MKI_PARTSLIST_DATA m_cExportPartsList; MKI_POINT m_cExportPoint; MKI_COLLECTION_DATA m_szFilter; __int32 m_nPolyCount; MKI_POINT m_acPolyPoints[MKI_PRINTER_POLYGON_MAX];
MKI_TASKDEF( void );
void Init( void );
void Free( void );
bool Copy( const MKI_TASKDEF& f_rClass );
bool HasFrame( void ) const; New in Version 2023.2
bool HasSize( void ) const; New in Version 2024.0 };
This structure contains a task definition (called "procedure" in the application).
Element Descriptionm_nMode [__int32] Defines which elements of the task are active and valid (see MKI_TASKMODE_*). m_szName Changed in Version 2019.1 [MKI_TASKNAME] Name of the task, up to 63 characters. m_szComment Changed in Version 2019.1 [MKI_COMMENTSHORT] Comment on the task, up to 63 characters. m_szFileName Changed in Version 2019.1 [MKI_FILENAMEW] Default filename to be used for export, may be empty. May contain variables and text statements that will be resolved if the MKI_TASKMODE_FLAT_FILENAME flag is set in m_nMode. m_cRect [MKI_RECT] Rectangular frame to be used for export, may be invalid (all values set to MKI_DOUBLE_NOVAL). Is either used to select the objects to be used or to define the output frame. m_cSize New in Version 2023.2 [MKI_RECT] Optional secondary rectangular frame to be used for export, may be invalid (all values set to MKI_DOUBLE_NOVAL). Is used to define the surrounding frame for a block to be created (which is required when creating font characters or hatching template blocks). m_nLayerCount [__int32] Number of layer data sets stored. Valid range: 0 <= Value <= MKI_LAYER_MAX. m_nLayerMode [__int32] Determines which elements of the layer mode shall be stored (see MKI_PENLAYERMODE_*). m_pszLayerName Changed in Version 2019.1 [MKI_LAYERNAME*] Address of an array containing at least m_nLayerCount layer names. All following layer settings correspond to these layer names. m_pnLayerMode [__int32*] Address of an array containing at least m_nLayerCount layer modes (see MKI_PENLAYERMODE_*). m_pcLayerIntern [MKI_XPROPERTY_PTR] Address of an array containing at least m_nLayerCount extended property sets for screen display. m_pcLayerExtern [MKI_XPROPERTY_PTR] Address of an array containing at least m_nLayerCount extended property sets for printing and export. m_anLayerDefault [__int32[]] Indexes of layers that will automatically be assigned to objects created in some standard situations. Use the MKI_DEFLAYER_* constants as field indexes to access elements of this array. m_nPenCount [__int32] Number of pen data sets stored. Valid range: 0 <= Value <= MKI_PEN_MAX. m_nPenMode [__int32] Determines which elements of the pen mode shall be stored (see MKI_PENLAYERMODE_*). m_pszPenName Changed in Version 2019.1 [MKI_PENNAME*] Address of an array containing at least m_nPenCount pen names. All following pen settings correspond to these pen names. m_pnPenMode [__int32*] Address of an array containing at least m_nPenCount pen modes see MKI_PENLAYERMODE_*). m_pcPenIntern [MKI_PROPERTY_PTR] Address of an array containing at least m_nPenCount property sets for screen display. m_pcPenExtern [MKI_PROPERTY_PTR] Address of an array containing at least m_nPenCount property sets for printing and export. m_anPenDefault [__int32[]] Indexes of pens that will automatically be assigned to objects created in some standard situations. Use the MKI_DEFPEN_* constants as field indexes to access elements of this array. m_nActiveLayer [__int32] Previously active layer. Valid range: 0 <= Value <= MKI_LAYER_MAX. m_nActivePen [__int32] Previously active pen. Valid range: 0 <= Value <= MKI_PEN_MAX. m_nActivePage [__int32] Previously active page. Valid range: -1 <= Value <= MKI_PAGE_MAX. m_nActiveHatch [__int32] Previously active hatching. Valid range: 0 <= Value <= MKI_HATCH_MAX. m_nActiveViewSystem [__int32] Previously active coordinate system in the view window. Valid range: 0 <= Value <= MKI_SYSTEM_MAX. m_anActiveDrawSystem [__int32[]] Previously active coordinate systems for all draw windows. Valid range: 0 <= Value <= MKI_SYSTEM_MAX. m_nDisplayLine [__int32] Line display mode (see MKI_LINEDISPLAY_*). m_nDisplayPoint [__int32] Point display mode (see MKI_POINTDISPLAY_*). m_nOutputLayer [__int32] Page layer output mode (see MKI_PAGELAYERS_*). m_nOutputPage [__int32] Page object output mode (see MKI_PAGEDISPLAY_*). m_nOutputColor [__int32] Output color conversion mode (see MKI_COLOROUTPUT_*). m_szExportName Changed in Version 2019.1 [MKI_FILEREFERENCE] Name of the printing device to be used for printing or internal name of the plug-in to be used for file export. m_cExportPrint [MKI_PRINT_ENTRY] General printer settings for PDF export and printing. m_cExportPDF [MKI_PRINT_PDF] Specific PDF settings for PDF export. m_nExportHideFlags [__int32] Layers and pens with the at least one of the given flags set will not be included in the PDF export. A combination of MKI_LAYERMODE_FLAG* or MKI_PENMODE_FLAG* respectively. m_cExportBitmap [MKI_BITMAP_EXPORT] Settings for bitmap export. m_cExportBlock New in Version 2017.1 [MKI_CREATEBLOCK_DATA] Settings for block creation. m_cExportPlugIn New in Version 2022.2 [MKI_COLLECTION_DATA] Description of a collection item that contains options for export plug-ins. m_cExportPartsList New in Version 2021.1 [MKI_PARTSLIST_DATA] Settings for parts list creation. m_cExportPoint New in Version 2017.1 [MKI_POINT] Insertion point for block creation. m_szFilter New in Version 2022.2 [MKI_COLLECTION_DATA] Description of a collection item that contains a filter to be applied for object selection during creation / export. m_nPolyCount New in Version 2018.1 [__int32] Number of valid points in m_acPolyPoints. m_acPolyPoints New in Version 2018.1 [MKI_POINT[]] List of polygon points. If the polygon consists of at least 3 points, this polygon is to be used instead of m_cRect.
MKD SyntaxThe section =TASK= contains up to MKI_TASK_MAX task definitions.
A task contains a selection of drawing elements and settings stored for later use.
Head of Section=TASK=; TotalNum;
Entry for each Task DefinitionName,Comment,Mode,FileName,Rect(,ActiveFrame);
If any bit of MKI_TASKMODE_LAYER_MASK is set in m_nMode:
LayerCount,LayerMode; LayerName[0](,LayerMode[0])(,LayerIntern[0])(,LayerExtern[0]); LayerName[1](,LayerMode[1])(,LayerIntern[1])(,LayerExtern[1]); ... LayerDefault[0],LayerDefault[1], ... ;
Layer modes, internal and external properties, and defaults will only be written if the corresponding bit in m_nMode is set. Defaults will only be written as many as necessary, assume any non-written defaults to be -1.
If any bit of MKI_TASKMODE_PEN_MASK is set in m_nMode:
PenCount,PenMode; PenName[0](,PenMode[0])(,PenIntern[0])(,PenExtern[0]); PenName[1](,PenMode[1])(,PenIntern[1])(,PenExtern[1]); ... PenDefault[0],PenDefault[1], ... ;
Pen mode, internal and external properties, and defaults will only be written if the corresponding bit in m_nMode is set. Defaults will only be written as many as necessary, assume any non-written defaults to be -1.
If any bit of MKI_TASKMODE_ACTIVE_MASK is set in m_nMode:
ActiveLayer,ActivePen,ActivePage,ActiveHatch,ActiveViewSystem, ActiveDrawSystem[0],ActiveDrawSystem[1],ActiveDrawSystem[2],ActiveDrawSystem[3];
If any bit of MKI_TASKMODE_DISPLAY_MASK is set in m_nMode:
If any bit of MKI_TASKMODE_OUTPUT_MASK is set in m_nMode:
If the bit MKI_TASKMODE_EXPORT_PDF is set in m_nMode:
ExportPrint; ExportPDF; ExportHideFlags;
If the bit MKI_TASKMODE_EXPORT_BITMAP is set in m_nMode:
If the bit MKI_TASKMODE_EXPORT_BLOCK is set in m_nMode:
ExportPoint; ExportBlock;
If the bit MKI_TASKMODE_EXPORT_PRINT is set in m_nMode: New in Version 2019.0
ExportName; ExportPrint; ExportHideFlags;
If the bit MKI_TASKMODE_EXPORT_PLUGIN is set in m_nMode: New in Version 2019.0
If the bit MKI_TASKMODE_EXPORT_PARTSLIST is set in m_nMode: New in Version 2021.1
If the bit MKI_TASKMODE_APPLY_FILTER is set in m_nMode: New in Version 2022.2
The polygon points:
PolyCount,PolyPoints[0],PolyPoints[1], ... ;
End of Section=END=;
If the section =TASK= does not exist, assume no task to be defined (m_nTotalNum = 0).
Element Descriptionm_nTotalNum [__int32] Number of task definitions to follow. Valid range is 0 to MKI_TASK_MAX inclusive.
CAD6interface 2024.2 - Copyright 2024 Malz++Kassner® GmbH