
Malz++Kassner GmbH
Am Westerberge 46
38122 Braunschweig

Phone +49 531 400 137
Fax +49 531 400 138

Managing Directors: Stefan Malz, Olaf Kassner
District Court Braunschweig HRB 4986

VAT-ID: DE206013296
Tax-ID: 13/274/00054
D-U-N-S® No.: 32-702-0660

Legal Notes

All information, texts, images, and files on all pages are Copyright © Malz++Kassner GmbH. Individual artworks by Michel Christiaens, Damm & Wolff, Christian Furtwängler, Willy Gnade, Georg Lingner, Walter van de Putte, Norbert Rügge, Steffen Sachse, Josef Sedlek, SMS Meer GmbH, Libuse Stastna, Hartmut Wirth, as well as and

No guarantee for errors and omissions. Malz++Kassner is a registered trademark of Malz++Kassner GmbH in Germany. All other trademarks are trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective owner, they are only used for information.

Statement on external links: We explicitely emphasize that we do not have any influence on the design and content of the linked pages. We therefore dissociate ourselves from all contents on all pages linked on the complete website including all sub-pages. This statement applies to all links in our web pages and for all pages to which links or banners lead.
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Edition July 2024.
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