CAD6 Function Overview

Malz++Kassner CAD6 is a professional, universal 2D/3D CAD software for Windows that is used in all kinds of applications. It runs on Windows 11 / 10 (64 bit) as well as Windows Server 2022 / 2019 / 2016 (64 bit).
CAD6studio CAD6studio
Our best-seller with all functions for planning, construction, and visualization. Provides 3D spaces to create and edit 3D components, includes filters for DXF, DWG, HP-GL/2, STL, SVG (export only), SHP, DBF, WMF, EMF, and bitmaps (e.g. JPG and PNG).
CAD6industrie CAD6industrie
Comprehensive and universal 2D/3D CAD/CAM solution for industrial use. In addition to all features of CAD6studio the program includes an extensive CAM part and a universal, script-based post-processor for flexible and efficient generation of CNC data.
CAD6starter CAD6starter
The free entry to the professional CAD6 series with basic drawing and lettering functions. It can open, edit, save, and print all drawings created with any of the CAD6 editions.

Comparison of the CAD6 Editions

CAD6starter CAD6studio CAD6industrie
Basic Drawing and Lettering Commands
Layers, Pens, Line Patterns, Scales
Multiple Pages per Drawing
130+ further Drawing and Text Commands
100+ further Trim and Shape Commands
Textures & Color Gradients
Calculation of Area, Perimeter, Centroid
SMART2D Technology (•)
- Parametric Compounds
- Dynamic Hatchings (•)
- Construction Aid
- Dynamic Snapping Guide
- Move and Scale Points (•)
- Create Mappings (•)
- Create Clippings
- Save Procedures
- Create 3D Parts
- Plug-In Interface CAD6interface (API)
Customizable Keyboard Shortcuts
CAD6starter CAD6studio CAD6industrie
RGB, HSB, CYMK, and CIELab Colors
MKD Import / Export
SVG Import / Export
WMF Import / Export
EMF Import / Export
TVG | T2G | T3G | T4G | VEK Import
TVL | T2L | T3L | T4L Import
BMP | JPG | PNG | TIFF | GIF | WEBP | BLD Import
BMP | JPG | PNG | TIFF | GIF Export
DXF Import / Export
DWG Import / Export
HP-GL/2 Import / Export
SHP Import / Export
STL Import / Export
U3D Export
3MF Export
Optional CAD6PDF (•) (•)
CAM Part for CNC Data Creation
Universal, Script-Based Postprocessor
English Support via Phone and E-Mail
Live-Support via Remote Access
Attractive Additional Licenses
Educational Licenses
Choice Between Buying and Rental Licenses
Low Maintenance Team Rental Licenses
CAD6starter CAD6studio CAD6industrie
Full Unicode Support
Uses Open, Royalty-Free, Documented File Formats
64 bit Version
32 bit Version (upon request only) (•) (•)

All programs of the CAD6 series are 100% data-compatible.

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