Editing Points
All points defining the drawing objects can be moved, scaled, and rotated individually or as a set. With it, modifications such as stretching can be carried out intuitively, even with several objects at once.
But editing points allows for much more! The biggest strength comes from the fact that all objects are created by means of so-called definition points. This applies to geometrical objects as well as to texts, dimensions, block instances, Mappings, and Clippings.
When selecting and moving a large set of points, all different kinds of objects can be manipulated simultaneously. Dimensions and dynamic hatchings will automatically adapt themselves, provided their points were selected, too.
Alternatively, individual points can easily be moved by simply clicking them. You can even rotate muitiple points around each other, scale points radial or linear, and align points to a grid. When moving single points of Bézier curves, an automated function that maintains smooth transitions becomes active.
Moving of points gets even more powerful in connection with the Dynamic Snapping Guide which allows to insert temporary aiding lines into the drawing and snap their intersection points at any time.
Please be aware that some functions such as the Dynamic Snapping Guide are not part of CAD6starter.
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